Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Customizable ship skins coming to EVE Online

I've been waiting for this one for a long time, and it seems CCP will finally add the possibility to customize your ship exterior! As a member of an industrial corporation, this will mean big business for us.

hello kitty krestels

hello kitty apoc

As I've mentionned in the past, this will completly change the look of EVE for the better! No? You don't think so? Let me know why!


morph said...

Is it true that they will a micro payment store to Eve for this ? Like $2,50 per skin ?

CrazyKinux said...

D'you got it mate!! :p

Carole Pivarnik said...

ROFL! Good one, CK!

6pac said...

Damn, got my hopes up!

Kazaji said...

I almost believed it! :P

Erbo Evans said...

Oh, if only it were true...I'd love to be able to paint the "Rho Alpha Delta" characters on the side of my ships, as another tip of the hat to Jeff's book :-)

Kyle Langdon said...

I can't wait for this! Hahaha a good joke indeed.

Martin Cathrae said...

ah, the day when this isn't a joke... :) Think how much more crushing it will be when you lose your ship if it's something you had customized...

Havohej said...

I've been flying a Kestrel all week on an anonymous trial acct as I wait 'til payday to resubscribe my main (you heard it here first)... gotta tell ya, the above image would be a huge improvement! Would only that it were true... :p

thehaggis said...

:) And then we'd see space-going genitalia everywhere we go. Docking and undocking and docking and undocking.

Happy A.F. all

Anonymous said...

ccp cannot tolerate that kind of artistic creativity from its users.they just barely allowed their graphic artists gang to go the last expansion creative crazy.

CrazyKinux said...

@thehaggis - How scary that would be!

@Havohej - Good to here you'll be back soon!

Glad you guys all like it! The idea came to me out of the blue over lunch and I couldn't resist!

Anonymous said...

And you thought fa fa fa in local from 1200 goons was bad for creating lag ... imagine your client having to load all those texture maps ...

Niceandblue said...

Hell ya! These look great m8!
i'd like to see some more

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