As summer slowly comes to an end and the cool winds of autumn start to make themselves felt at night, it's time a shake down of this blog. Regular readers will have noticed that its been a while since my last post. Some might wonder what's happening with this blog, now that I've left the EVE Blog Pack. All I can say for now is that all these changes are for the good. More on that later.
For now, here's a an updated post series that used to be known as "EVE Speedlinking for...". I've indeed decided to rework the formula and bring you a different more diverse speedlinking experience. This new series will have lots of EVE Online content of course, but will allow me to post links to anything that's peaked my curiosity; whether EVE-related, scifi-related or just plain cool geek stuff.
Hope you enjoy this first of many!
EVE Online Related:
- EVE Scam Guide
- Survey: EVE with kids » Ecliptic Rift
- EVE Blogs OPML
- The Ninja Blog Pack <-- Added to my sidebar!
- Life in Low Sec: And the Beat Goes On
- My Loot, Your Tears » Blog Archive » The Little Things Matter
- Massively:
- CCP Dev Blogs:
- ... and the cycle continues, or not? what is going on with the eve economic cycle?
- need for moar speed
- fixing lag: fostering meaningful human interaction, through testing and communication.
- the long lag
- fixing lag: and i, for one, welcome our new automaton overlords
- carbon and the core technology group
- fixing lag: character nodes
- the end to science from beyond the grave (and more)!
- You may play too much Eve if: « K162space <-- Funnies!
New EVE Online Blogs:
- Interstellar Privateer -- has moved (new URL)
- Et Tu, Brutus? -- has moved (new URL)
- A Scientist's Life in Eve
- Black Rabbits Hole (The)
- Boom! Hull-Shot?
- Drifting through the Stars
- Eve Blasphemy
- Eve Online Strategy
- Flee on Sight
- Persephone Astrid's YarrJournal
- Random Posts from Auga
- Republic of Tyrants
- The Value of Play I: The Definition of Play Provides Clues to Its Purposes | Psychology Today
- The Escapist : The Fallacy of the Fanboy
- Skyline - Official Trailer [HD]
- Special Edition AVATAR Trailer
- Wednesday Geeky Pics: Anna Fischer’s Cosplay Photography
Well, looking back at the links above, that might not be a big change from the previous series... oh, well. Don't fix what ain't broken they say!
Fly safe!