After almost 4 years of (on and off) training, I'll be passing the 44 million skill points mark in a couple of days. I've been wanting to share my skill make-up with you for a few weeks now, ever since I crossed the 40M mark. With
The Ancient Gaming Noob sharing his main character's profile with us a few weeks back, I thought I'd do the same today.
I'm also curious to get your feedback, both form the fellow Carebears and from the PvPers out there.
The skill points distributional is as follows:
- Corporation Management................................ 15,072
- Drones............................................................. 6,479,812
- Electronics...................................................... 1,224,423
- Engineering.................................................... 991,518
- Gunnery......................................................... 11,213,690
- Industry......................................................... 1,844,243
- Learning......................................................... 2,289,229
- Mechanic........................................................ 1,025,188
- Missile Launcher Operation.............................. 2,482,594
- Navigation....................................................... 2,276,549
- Science........................................................... 1,304,750
- Social.............................................................. 1,387,594
- Spaceship Command......................................... 7,526,271
- Trade............................................................... 3,840,000
As you can see Gunnery,
Spaceship Command and Drones are where I've concentrated most of my training - which is explained by the fact that I do a lot of
missions and enjoy the PvE aspect of EVE. It also hides my
desire to go Pew Pew, which still needs to be fulfilled.
In all, I have 119 skills, 63 of which are trained to level 5. I'm currently training Negotiation to level 5 also, which should be done in just over 5 days (EVEMon tells me it'll be done on the 23rd). Using both
EVEMon and the PPL Skill Qualification templates, I've got a short list of skills to train in the next few weeks. Getting ever closer to the 50 million mark.
So, how have you trained your character(s)? Do you use
EVEMon? Or do you simply training what you need, to be able to fly the ships and use the modules you want? What's your plan?