Finding good agents is an activity which is at the core of the EVE Online PvE game play. And since you need a standing of 0.5 to join your faction of choice and participate in Factional Warfare, I thought it would be a good idea to provide a list of resources that are helpful in finding the best agents.
Whether it's to increase your standing, or to get better loot and rewards, finding the best agents maybe something that's a bit of a mystery to new players. Here below I've listed 4 great resources to help you do just that.
Whether it's to increase your standing, or to get better loot and rewards, finding the best agents maybe something that's a bit of a mystery to new players. Here below I've listed 4 great resources to help you do just that.
- How To Find An Agent in EVE Online, courtesy of The Ancient Gaming Noob
- The Path of Acceptance..., courtesy of Van Hemlock
- Video Tutorial: Finding Agents, courtesy of EvE Cast
- EVE-Agenture, a great site to help you find agents
Sites to quickly find Agents:
The EvE Cast video tutorial is also available on YouTube for those who don't mind the low quality. I do recommend that you download the original which is of better quality and thus easier to follow - your choice though. Here it is below.As for increasing you agents "effective" standing (not the faction though), make sure that you've trained the following 3 skills to level 5 for the best results: Connections, Negotiation and Social. You'll see a dramatic increase. There are plenty more Social skills to train, but with these you're off to a good start!
3 comments: I used that guy to quickly get to 0.5 and get in the FW militia.
It's much quicker to use third party tools to automaticly find agents, here are few:
agents finder
another eve agents finder
eve info
Thanks Ever! Will be adding those links in the post! Cheers! -CK
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