Ah, the pleasures of summer. Those hot, humid and sunny days. The same pleasures that keep you away from the PC or console, and tempt you back out just when you've managed to find time to check your emails. These are those kinds of days!
Nevertheless, I've managed to find some time late at night to squeeze in a few gaming sessions. If you had witnessed and suffered through the winter we just had (so much snow!!) you'd understand why I'm enjoying being out as much as I am. You'd pardon my absence of the last few days and would know that I'm still here, roaming the EVE Blogosphere!
And, just so you know, Episode 13th of The Drone Bay was recorded last week and should be out within the next few days. With last Friday being July 4th, its publication got delayed. We're here to stay people, even if the road got bumpy the last few weeks!
So without further ado, here the new that's caught my attention over the last few days.
- For those who missed it, the New York Times had 2 separate articles on EVE:
- In a Virtual Galaxy, Assembly Is Required - What! A BoB BBQ?
- Face to Face: A Council of Online Gamers - On the CSM
- EVE Online Community Spotlight: a Q&A with Chribba - Massively interviews Mr EVE-Files himself!
- New EVE Blogs, soon to be part of the Blog Pack: Drawing Aggro and EVE’s Weekend Warrior
- Weekend Warrior's got an interesting Can Flipper Guide for those on the dark side, but also useful for their victims.
- And not to be left alone, Drawing Aggro has got a PVE Guide for those who, like myself, like to dwell into EVE's missions.
- We've blessed with some new Chronicles these last 2 weeks. two of which cover the Empyrean Age factions (Minmatar and Gallente respectively): Silent Furies and The Paths They Chose.
- Came across this post on the EVE Forums about a BattleClinic (in cooperation with CCP) Factional Warfare Recruiting Guide.
- Mynxee's got some fun comparison between EVE and RL.
- Finally got my copy of the EVE: Empyrean Age novel. I've barely touched the first few pages as I'm still finishing Deadhouse Gate. In the mean time you can check out Adam's review of the book.
- Oh, and lest I forget, EON issue 12th in which I have written an article, shipped out on July 4th. Looking forward to getting that one.
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