I feel as though I'm walking with giants in this issue, with the likes of Nate Combs (TerranTus Novallum), Zapatero, Sivona and Benilopax having penned articles. Hopefully, I haven't made a fool of myself, and my humble efforts will give me the opportunity to repeat the experience.
/crosses his fingers...
As a side note, if you're interested in reading one other player's perspective on the current state of Mining in EVE, I highly recommend that you read Nyphur's article over at Massively.com entitled "EVE Evolved: Mining, the forgotten profession".
Table of Content - EON 012
- Page 6 --- E-ON Upfront (News)
- 18 ---- Postcards from the Edge (Screen shots)
- 22 ---- First Pilot's Club - Part 2
- 27 ---- In Character: Oresome
- 28 ---- Alliance Profile: Goonswarm
- 30 ---- One Alliance to Rule Them All - Part 2
- 36 ---- In Crowd: David Arnar Runolfsson
- 39 ---- In Character: Curzon Dax
- 40 ---- Cover Feature: Mining Evolved <-- My article!!
- 46 ---- Alliance Profile: Evoke
- 48 ---- Staying Underground - The Eur Story
- 50 ---- In Character: DHB Wildcat
- 52 ---- Testflight: Heavy Interdictors (Broadsword, Phobos, Devoter, Onyx)
- 60 ---- In Crowd: Halldor Fannar Gudjonsson
- 62 ---- Alliance Profile: Intrepid Crossing
- 64 ---- Insider's Guide: Lag
- 68 ---- Insider's Guide: Fiction Writing
- 76 ---- Insider's Guide: Forums
- 80 ---- EVE Directory
- 82 ---- Teh Funnies (EVE Humour)
/me starts to drool...
Ah, finally I can access your site!!
Back in the U.S. now, or 'for now'; your site and many of the blogs you link to were inaccessible to me in China, even with using Tor.
So I came home to a rather huge order of EVE stuff I'd placed recently: EVE Strategic Maps (bought on your recommendation, it's cool), every issue of E-ON (reading your cover story tonight), and the Empyrean Age novel is on the way.
Just want to say 'thanks' for all these resources you've assembled here. I'm probably going to go on an EVE posting rampage this week now that I can actually access all of this.
I've put this site together as much for the community as for myself. This is a place I can come back to and quickly get to the information I'm looking for.
Glad you enjoy!
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