Friday, April 29, 2011

EVE Blog Banter #26: Beyond nebulas and shiny ships

Welcome to the twenty-sixth installment of the EVE Blog Banter, the monthly EVE Online blogging extravaganza created by CrazyKinux. The EVE Blog Banter involves an enthusiastic group of gaming bloggers, a common topic within the realm of EVE Online, and a week or so to post articles pertaining to the said topic. The resulting articles can either be short or quite extensive, either funny or dead serious, but are always a great fun to read! Any questions about the EVE Blog Banter should be directed to Check for other EVE Blog Banter articles at the bottom of this post!
This month's topic was proposed by @KatiaSae of the much praised "To Boldly Go" blog. Katia asks: "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. As an astrophotographer, I've found it in the stars and planets of New Eden. Where have you found it? Perhaps you've found beauty in the ships we fly? Maybe it's the sight of profits being added to your bottom line? Or maybe it's the pilot portraits you see in the comm channels? Where ever you've found it, write about it and post an image." Don't be afraid go beyond the simple visual aspects of EVE as well. Is the EVE Community in itself a thing of beauty? What makes EVE the game, the world, the Community, so appealing to you?
EVE looks stunning. It always has, and if the last decade hints to what we can expect in the future, it most likely will continue. Ask a friend, one who's never played an MMO to take a look at a few of your screenshots, and the likely reaction that you're likely to hear is "That's a game?". Followed by "That's the game you play?". Ever since I laid eyes on the universe created by CCP, I knew that this was something different. Way different then anything I had seen before. And this still holds true today.

I still remember being blown away by the trailer that was done to showcase the new Trinity II graphic engine, when all the ships got a visual upgrade. That video still gives me goose bumps.

And yet, the real beauty of EVE to me is beyond the visual aspects of this unique MMO. What really stands out when it comes to EVE is its Community and how supportive we are to one another. Though the universe created by CCP is one of the most hardcore MMO out there, the individuals that are part of it, those that make the Community what it is, the bloggers, podcasters, members of the Tweetfeet, have shown again and again to be one of the best asset of the game. It's the Secret Weapon by which EVE invades the minds of those new to this universe.

The Beauty of EVE lies within its Community.

List of Participants:
  1. CrazyKinux's Musing: Beyond nebulas and shiny ships
  2. Freedom: the beauty in EvE » A Mule In EvE
  3. Achernar: The bike and the barbecue
  4. where the frack is my ship?: Blog Banter 26: Love at first sight
  5. BlogBanter 26: EVE … beautiful … « One capsuleer against all
  6. Blog Banter 26 « Mad Haberdashers
  7. Blog Banter 26: Beauty of EVE – To Boldly Go To Boldly Go
  8. Down By Law: Blog Banter #26: "The Beauty of EVE" (OOC)
  9. Blog Banter #26 – Beauty « Roc's Ramblings
  10. Banter #26: Beauty is in the eye of the markets | Diary of a Garbageman
  11. Progression's Horizon: Blog Banter 26- Carry It With Us, Or We Find It Not
  12. Blog Banter 26: The Beauty of Eve « A Scientist's Life in Eve
  13. Freebooted: BB26: The Beauty Between the Lines
  14. Eve Opportunist: EBB #26 : Beauty is destruction.
  15. Blog banter #26: EVE shines, and not just visually « Diary of a Pod Pilot
  16. Blog Banter 26: Everybody is Pretty - Learning to Fly
  17. BB26: Beauty, in certain conditions | A Missioneer in Eve
  18. Dying in Lowsec (One Hauler at a time)
  19. EVE Blog Banter #26 – Beauty « Evehermit's Blog
  20. EVE A to Z: The Beauty of EVE
  21. Blog Banter 26: Beauty In A Bottle « A Lush In Space
  22. EVEOGANDA: Blog Banter 26: The Ballet of Battle
  23. BB26: Sometimes the sum of the parts … | Morphisat's Blog
  24. The 26th EVE Blog Banter - TOPIC: The Beauty of EVE - The Phoenix Diaries
  25. And Knowing is Half the Battle: BlogBanter#26 The Real Beauty of EVE
  26. The Beauty of EVE | Miner's Blues
  27. The Beauty of EvE | Aggressive Logistics
  28. Blog Banter 26: The Beauty of EVE - Random Posts from Auga
  29. The Beauty that is EVE Online « Lost in New Eden
  30. Eve Blog Banter 26: Quit gettin' mad about video games | Spaceholder
  31. Beauty in the mind’s eye « La vie d'une capsuliere
  32. Omnis Arcanum of EVE: Blog Banter 26:EVE a beautiful place? You must be kidding me.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The greatest EVE Online Manual now available in meatspace!

Stop using that printer at work over your lunch break to print the ISK Guide in 50-pages chunks. Instead, order the new printed version from MMM Publishing. Do it before April 14th pre-order deadline and save 5$. Here are additional details:
As most of you know, we released the ISK 3.0 Guide in February as a free download – to huge critical acclaim. [ISK = Industrial-Sized Knowledgebase]. This is the exhaustive manual, which EVE has been crying out for since 2003!
Since the release of that free PDF edition, we’ve been inundated with requests for a printed version, a physical product you can hold, pick up and refer to either AFK or while playing the game. We’ve listened, and we’ve responded.
So here it is; ISK Volume 1 as a physical product is now available to pre-order. This monumental near 400 page wiro-bound volume covers everything there is to know about EVE – whether you’re on a 14-day trail account or you’re an experienced long-termer. As a special offer for the early birds among you, there’s even a $5 discount for all pre-orders; in order to receive the discount you MUST apply the code ISK305. If you don’t see the discount being applied immediately, check again before completing your order.
The pre-order period (and therefore the $5 discount) lasts until April 14th. Click here and we’ll take you right along to the Store…
Now hurry-up and pre-order it. You know you want to!

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