They say, be careful what you wish for; you may get it! Oh how true this is with the EVE Blog Pack.
When I started the pack in mid-June of this year, I wanted to get a group of great bloggers together, get them to post regularly, and to comment on each others sites! Just a month later the Pack had past the mid-20s in membership, and the request were still coming in - are still coming in!
The EVE blogging community's response to the EVE Blog Pack has been beyond my wildest dreams. That Blog Pack post has over 60 comments on it as of today, mostly requests to be added and some of my responses to those bloggers. That's just amazing! Thank you all!
The Privilege of Membership, comes with Responsibilities
As the popularity of the Pack grew, more and more bloggers wanted in. But as my initial goal was to foster both quality and quantity, I couldn't simply accept everyone. There are tons of great EVE blogs out there, all of whom deserve to get noticed. Which is why I've got the EVE Player Blogroll (check the side bar also) where I list every player's blog as quickly as I get requests. But for the Pack, I wanted to create this sense of belonging to an elite group of bloggers.
So I've decided to limit the members to 30 blogs for now - with a few conditions though.
Being part of the Pack comes with its responsibilities and obligations. The first and foremost is to blog regularly. Ideally a few times a week, at the very least once. And that is a no easy feat, believe me. Real Life often gets in the way - as it should since remember people, this is just a game - and missing a week is not uncommon. But going beyond the 3 week mark puts a Pack member in a situation of potentially being removed from the Pack.
This has happened to a few members already. Case in point, today I've removed two blogs for lack of activity. To fill in the empty chairs, the two newest members of the EVE Blog Pack will be Roc's Ramblings and Dawn of EVE. Welcome to the both of you!
Taking it One Step further
Now, along with the regular blogging and commenting, I want to ask a bit more of the Pack Members. This is what will make the Blog Pack different from my Players Blogroll.
Here's a list of ToDos that all members should strive to accomplish as part of their duties.
- Blog regularly about EVE Online, a few times a week preferably.
- Comment on Pack members blogs.
- Make a post about the EVE Blog Pack (if you haven't done so yet). Make sure to link to it!
- Add each member's blog to your Delicious, BlinkList, Reddit, StumbleUpon and/or Technorati accounts.
- Digg posts that you find useful or interesting.
- When writing a post, try to link to each other posts, bringing the community even closer together.
- Have a blogroll listing all the Blog Pack members.
Remember, we're each individually responsible for the success of the Blog Pack. It's up to us to decide what we do with it!
Now get to work people!! ...please... =)