Saturday, February 06, 2021

Too Many Games, Too Little Time


Back in late January, I ran a poll on my Twitter profile asking if other gamers out there add the same pattern of buy tons of games, most of which we'd never finish. 

Turns out I wasn't alone in this behaviour. I can't speak for all of us, but I can tell you that the "collector's bug" is definitely at play in my case. If a sequel - or sequels - to a game I own show up on some Steam sale, I will for sure have an itch to scratch and will likely but those games. Will I actually start playing them immediately, or soon after purchasing them? Most likely not. But there's a good chance I'll pick them up and run through them some time in the future.

And it is with most games I purchase these days. I picked up Frostpunk and Cities Skylines months, if not years ago, and only recently started playing. 

A new beginning...

Paul Chadeisson's "Air Carrier Facility" - via ArtStation

 A long time ago, in a far away blogging world, there was a well versed blogger within a very active blogging community. But the years passed, and the blogging stopped. The community withered and went its separate ways, spreading the word of the Blog. And then a small flame started burning again...

I've been toying with the idea of rekindling this blog so many times in the past few years it's become a pathetic yearly ritual. The Holidays would roll in, work life would come to a stop for a couple of weeks, family activities would slow down and I would find myself with this desire to put digital pen to digital page again. I'd write a post or two, and then life would take its normal course and time would slip through my hands. This blog would again become a quiet, desolate corner of the blogger kingdom.

I had failed to leverage the power of Habits. 

Most Recent Post

Reigniting the Flame: Reviving the Blog, One Post at a Time