Saturday, February 06, 2021

A new beginning...

Paul Chadeisson's "Air Carrier Facility" - via ArtStation

 A long time ago, in a far away blogging world, there was a well versed blogger within a very active blogging community. But the years passed, and the blogging stopped. The community withered and went its separate ways, spreading the word of the Blog. And then a small flame started burning again...

I've been toying with the idea of rekindling this blog so many times in the past few years it's become a pathetic yearly ritual. The Holidays would roll in, work life would come to a stop for a couple of weeks, family activities would slow down and I would find myself with this desire to put digital pen to digital page again. I'd write a post or two, and then life would take its normal course and time would slip through my hands. This blog would again become a quiet, desolate corner of the blogger kingdom.

I had failed to leverage the power of Habits. 

This time, I'm going to go about it in a different way. I'm thinking of planning a weekly schedule. Though this will surely evolve over time, here's what I'm planning on writing about:

  • Weekly wrap-ups of articles, news, trailers that I've come across during that week on Saturdays
  • Weekend wrap-ups of what I've played, what I've watched and/or read over the weekend
  • Cities Skylines updates on my city, tutorials and Let's-plays I've watched on Mondays
  • Friday Trailers or Short films I've come across
Sprinkled with any of the following post topic ideas:
  • Writing about my passion for "The Art of" books, and the Concept Artists behind them
  • Gaming goals for the year
  • Book reading goals/updates and monthly review
  • Possibly a new Blog Banter - let me know if you have ideas

Also something that I need to continue and finish up is the mess I made by letting go and having to register and use instead. So I'll need to go through every post on this blog and manually update any reference pointing to .com and switch it to .ca . Fun.

Hopefully, this isn't another one of my false restart...

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Reigniting the Flame: Reviving the Blog, One Post at a Time