Sunday, January 29, 2023

Top 10 Tips & Tricks on starting a new city in Cities: Skylines!

Starting a new city on a fresh map in Cities: Skylines can often times be a daunting experience. Hell, even after start fresh dozens of times I'm still sometimes overwhelmed by a blank map. Here my top 10 tips when starting on a new map and planning for building a successful city build.

  1. Start small: Starting with a small city is the best way to gain experience and learn the game mechanics. You can gradually expand your city as you become more familiar with the game, and avoid becoming overwhelmed.

Saturday, January 28, 2023

The Making of Tron: Legacy (2010)

Tron: Legacy, the sequel to the 1982 science fiction classic Tron, was a solid follow-up that built upon the strengths of the original while also taking advantage of advancements in technology to create a visually stunning world that was a natural evolution of the original's vision.

One of the key strengths of Tron: Legacy was its ability to build upon the themes and concepts introduced in the original film. Like the first film, Tron: Legacy explored the idea of a virtual world where programs take on lives of their own, and the relationship between the users who created the world and the programs who inhabit it. However, Tron: Legacy expanded upon these ideas, exploring the relationship between the creator of the virtual world, Kevin Flynn, and his son Sam, who is drawn into the world and must confront the legacy of his father's work.

Friday, January 27, 2023

New "Cities: Skylines" post series!

(Screenshot of rollthelofr's Hanami Bay city, via reddit)

I am excited to announce the start of a new post series dedicated to Cities: Skylines, in which I've invested almost 500 hours in the last few years. In this series, I will be sharing video tutorials from some of the best players in the community.

For those who don't know, Cities: Skylines is a modern take on the classic city-building game genre, where players are tasked with creating and managing their own virtual cities. The game offers a wide range of features, including zoning, transportation, public services, and more. With its complex and in-depth gameplay, Cities: Skylines has quickly become a favorite among players, both new and experienced. It's been a sort of addictive - almost meditative - experience for me.

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

HBO's "The Last Of Us" is absolutely brilliant!

I just finished watching episode one in The Last Of Us series and I'm blown away by the quality of this first dive into this brilliant story. This is high quality television. A must watch!

And here's a ScreenCrush on everything you need to know (and some more) before watching the show. Spoilers ahead... 

Monday, January 02, 2023

Avatar: Rewatching the original

 Just finished rewatching Avatar with the whole family in preparation for tomorrow's first IMAX viewing of Avatar: The Way of Water. This should be fun.

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