Last week I had the opportunity to have dinner with
CCP's Mike Read and a few other EVE Capsuleers! Suffice to say the conversation quickly veered towards anything and everything EVE, for our own selfish pleasure! At one point we all focused our attention on Mike with the well known "When will CCP host a Fanfest in North America?" The questioning and commenting went back and forth and eventually moved on to other more important, more pragmatic topics.
But that conversation stayed with me throughout the whole week and kept popping up in my head. Now, if you've been reading this blog for a while, you'll know that
having a Fanfest in Canada or in the States has always been a big wish of mine.
But the more I thought about it. The less sure of that statement I was. And after giving it some more thought, I've come to the conclusion that there should only one EVE Fanfest, and that it should be held in Reykjavik, permanently.
Hear me out.
EVE Online is as much a virtual world as it is a Community. Let me repeat myself: EVE is "a" Community; as in one group, one entity. We all play the game in this one world, which affects all of us. And nothing is more the embodiment of this Community as the yearly held Fanfest is. This is the time of the year where players from all over the world get together and share a common real-life experience. It's where players from Europe, from North and South America and even as far as New Zealand come together to share their common love and interest for this most exotic world we call New Eden.
Splitting the EVE Fanfest into 2 events, one in Iceland and one in the States (as an example) would be like splitting Tranquility in two. Blasphemy, I know. Which is why I believe and sincerely hope that there will always be only one EVE Fanfest, held in Reykjavik once a year.
Which doesn't prevent CCP from ever having a WoD Fanfest in Atlanta though... wink wink...!
Fly safe, and see you all at the next EVE Fanfest!