Welcome to the eleventh installment of the EVE Blog Banter, the monthly EVE Online blogging extravaganza created by CrazyKinux. The EVE Blog Banter involves an enthusiastic group of gaming bloggers, a common topic within the realm of EVE Online, and a week to post articles pertaining to the said topic. The resulting articles can either be short or quite extensive, either funny or dead serious, but are always a great fun to read! Any questions about the EVE Blog Banter should be directed here. Check out other EVE Blog Banter articles at the bottom of this post!
This month's banter comes to us from Joe Brusati a long time reader of CrazyKinux's Musing, who asks the following: CCP states that T3 Strategic Cruisers are just the start for the T3 line-up. In future Eve expansions what would you like to see as the next T3 ship type. Please be specific on details about what role this ship would play, cost of manufacturing, and the different modules that would be available for it, and of course you must give your T3 ship a name!
Well, I definitely wanted to participate in this month's Banter, but an unforeseen event last week prevented me from doing so, as well as preventing me from posting anything on this blog since last Tuesday. Indeed, though my wife and I were expecting our second child to come into this world sometime in early September, the little fellow had other plans and stepped into the spotlight on Thursday morning. Let me tell you that this surprise "happily" wrecked my well planned schedule for the next few days. I'll have more on that story in another post. But for now, let's get to the Banter articles!
Thanks to all those who participated, and my apologies for being a day late!
List of Participants:
- A Mule in EvE - ‘Thor’ the Minmatar T3 ~ Banter #11
- One Man and His Spaceship - Blog Banter 11 - The many heads of the Hydra
- Inner Sanctum of the Ninveah - Strategic Capitals
- Achernar - Strategic Battlecruisers: the Spiders
- Journey to New Eden - Eve Blog Banter #11: Introducing the T3 Strategic Mining Barge
- Kyle Langdon's Journey in EVE - Strategic.... EVE Blog Banter #11
- The Captain's Log - Blog Banter 11: Increasing our knowledge of the universe
- Deaf Plasma's EVE Musings - Eve Blog Banter #11 - a ship called Starfury
- Yarrbear Tales - Blog Banter 11: T3 Destroyers
- Break Vol - Blog Banter #11
- Harbinger Zero - EVE Blog Banter #11: T3 Landing Craft
- Diairy of a Pod Pilot - Blog banter #11: Strategic frigates
- Mike Azariah - Blog Banter #11
- Ecliptic Rift - Blog Banter 11: Strategic Industrial Ships
- Roc's Ramblings - Blog Banter #11 – Salvation
- Hands Off, My Loots! - More than just a cruiser – Blog Banter XI
- Level Cap - EVE Blog Banter #11 - I Can Haz Tech 3 Battleships?
- Internet Spreadsheets Naptime Online - Blog Banter #11 - Tactical Destroyers
- Corrupted Datacore - The New Wave
[Though dated August 31st, this post was written and published on September 1st 2009 for the August EVE Blog Banter]