Saturday, August 15, 2009

EVE Online Speedlinking for Saturday August 15th, 2009

It's been a while since I last did one of these. Speedlinking posts take a lot of time to put together and as we're currently expecting a second MiniCK in the next few weeks, most of my free time over the past few months has been spent taking care of the two current ladies in my life, leaving little time for long gaming session or the research needed to put together these Speedlinking posts.

A change in my methodology was needed if I wanted to start doing these posts on a regular basis again. Having gone through several tweaks, I think I've nailed it down to an art form, which should result in having this feature on a weekly schedule again. Anyways that's the idea! So here goes...

EVE Blogosphere
From CCP Games
Last not but least I want to remind you of the current contest I've got organized with CCP where you'll have a chance to interview a CCP Dev during one of my podcasts! Make sure to submit your entry before next Wednesday! Read about it on my blog, on the EVE Online site, and discuss it on the EVE Forums.

As always, Fly Safe!


Nashh Kadavr said...

Hi CK,

Thanks for the link! please not I have also posted the first of 4 chapters of the fiction story I wrote. Hope you like it.

(please add me to the blog pack and log on sometime for a celebrity deathmatch!)

CrazyKinux said...

Great articles are always fun to share! Keep it up!

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