Monday, March 08, 2010

Rettic - When Art, Design and Talent come Together

Last Friday night, I got an early birthday gift, or a late Christmas gift, however you want to see it! The much talented @Rettic, of Rettic's Log: The Chronofile, was kind enough to provide his services to me free of charge as a token of appreciation for all my efforts in promoting and helping foster the right environment for the EVE Blogging Community.

This post's header as you can see was the result, and now sits atop as my blog's main header! If you're curious to see the full image, head over to my Flickr account right here! Beautiful work isn't it!

By profession, Rettic is a Senior Interactive Designer, and I'm sure that if he is as talented for Interactive Design as he is for Graphic Design, then whom ever he works for is one lucky employer!

If you're interested in have some work done by my good friend, then know that his standard fees will run you about 100-200 million ISKs for a logo/banner/forum signature, and that he also offer his services for EON ads, software skinning, etc. Contact him in any case to get a quote from him!

Thanks again sir, for some amazing work!


Redundant blogger said...

Very nice indeed. It suits perfectly the cold nature of EvE Online, dark and feeling blue - most of the time.

As the images appear to be from New Eden itself, it confirms that our vast galaxy is more beautiful than ever and only gets better with age - a bit like spiced wine.

I too have undergone a redesign which I'm happy with - for now.

Tbh I can rarely leave the look alone for long and I'm constantly ammending the feel of my blog.

Keep up the good work, both of ya. That's not an order, it's a request.

Rixx Javix said...

Good work, classes up the place a bit. Maybe not as good as it would've been had I done it... but still. (LOL I kid) I've been a fan of Rettic's blog for a long time now, it's a big universe.

CrazyKinux said...

It had been a while since my last design update to this blog. During the 2007-2009 I did some major changes such as going from a 2 column design, to a 3 column, then back to a 2 column design. That and a bunch of other tweaks. I think that one of the reasons I haven't made changes recently is simply because I'm happy with the current look and feel of it!

Anonymous said...

Looks awesome, mate! Very nice indeed :)

Anonymous said...

Looks nice, great job so far.

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