The biggest news item of this last week was of course the System Player Cap put in place during the Empyrean Age patch 1.1 , then nerfed to simply cover Jita, with the added "detour patch". Check out Winterblink's comic on the very issue. Love his stuff!
In the end though, it's just a band-aid solution to a pressing problem, which CCP is well aware of, and trying to find a "working fix", not just something temporary.
In other news...
New Player Blogs:
EVE Online News:
- One Titan Too Many? The EVE Blog Pack's very own Havohej, discusses the Titan situation over at
- EVE Correspondent - A Pirate's Life for Me - MMORPG.COM's Richard Morris tells the tale of a newbie bucaneer!
- MMO Showdown - Eve Online - Man vs Horse's review of EVE Online.
- EVE Ready to Elect New CSM - WarCry reports on the just announced opening procedures for the 2nd CSM elections.
- The State Of The MMO: Pinpointing Your Target - A Gamasutra report on MMO Subscription Models. CCP Games CEO, Hilmar, was part of the panel.
- Eve Online Secondary Markets: Banks - A must read for any EVE Industrialist.
- An Economist on the Virtual Economy - Business Weeks interviews the good Dr.
Over at Massively:
- EVE Evolved: Electronic Warfare, part 3 - The 3rd and last part of Nyphur's article series on EW.
- The meaning of life in EVE Online really is 42 (no joke) - Don't forget that towel of yours!
- EVE Online Et tu, brute? - Massively's James Egan reports on our very own Mynxee, about her quest to hunt down every Blog Pack member! Well, not literally.
- Outlaws of EVE Online: Masu'di - Another great player profile by Massively's James Egan.
In the EVE Blogosphere:
- Warp Drive Active #169 - On the Jita Player Cap!
- Fly Reckless #10 and #11 were also published this week.
- Surviving a gate camp - Xiphos83 provides some great advice on anyone faced with this dire situation!
- Gateway [Short Story] by Ombeve - A great little piece of fiction!
- Saving your bacon " tips to live by" - Manasi's survival guide!
- Things to do BEFORE you join Factional Warfare - Great piece of advice, and a fun read, from Letrange.
- Both Mynxee and Shae made a visit to one of New Eden's very small and very popular system, better known as Amamake.
- EVE Online Chaos Theory - If you're aroused by quantum mechanics and the LHC, then you'll want to read this!
New Tools:
- Macs in EVE - An EVE Online Community for Mac OSX players.
[Note:] I've been doing the Speedlinking posts on Wednesdays for some time now. Today mark the switch back to Fridays. Makes more sense to me to look back at the news from an end-of-week period.
Hi CK! I've started a new EVE blog as well.. I'd love a link in next week's installment!
OK so you have 2 blogs? I didn't know. each represents a different aspect of your life?
@justinian - Will be adding you soon!
@vered - I've actually got 4, but don't tell anyone! Shh......
Yay, thanks!
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