Thursday, September 04, 2008

EVE Online Speedlinking for September 4th, 2008

Another busy week on the EVE news scene. I'm currently working a few interesting posts as I mentioned yesterday. I'll have them ready shortly and will publish them over the next few days. Some will touch on my current skill plans, World of Warcraft and a few more goodies, just to give you a hint.

Some new blogs:
EVE Online in the news:
Over at Massively this past week:
In the EVE Blogosphere:
New Tools:
From CCP:
New EVE Corp:


Anonymous said...

Its a bit late to make the speedlinking list and a bit of a shameless plug but the Strategy Informer interview had some interesting images embedded in it. I've got my ideas up already.

CrazyKinux said...

Pimp all you want Mandrill! =)

Solemn Phoenix said...

Thanx for the linking :)

Excellent work on the speedlinking btw, your blog is becoming an info portal of sorts

CrazyKinux said...

@Solemn - Glad to have you on board!

Anonymous said...

Always love links!

Solemn Phoenix said...

Ermm... Delete this after reading it if you wish, but I found it rather funny that GoogleAds is linking "Buy EVE ISK" and "World of Warcraft gold" to you :D I doubt you can opt out of those though

Anonymous said...

Oh speedlinking, such a feast in urlery. Shamefully yours /Depleted Cake

CrazyKinux said...

@Solemn - Yeah, those pop up from time to time and I have to remove the URL by adding it to my AdSense Competiter Filter page.