Sunday, September 14, 2008

Less than 2 months to EVE Online Fanfest 2008

In less than two months I'll be boarding a plane to start my journey to Reykjavik, the equivalent of Mecca for EVE Online players, hometown of CCP Games. I just checked the EVE Online Fanfest 2008 page to see that there were 52 days left until the beginning of the 3-day conference (at the time of this writing), which means less than 50 days before I leave Montreal.

In effort to control my urge to explode with enthusiasm I've decided to focus my energies in putting together this post on last year's Fanfest.

Here below are links to photos taken during Fanfest 2007 and the personal account of someone who was lucky enough to attend.

Photo Albums of EVE Online Fanfest 2007:
I also highly recommend that you read Winterblink's blog entries of his Fanfest 2007 experience (make sure to start at the bottom of the page) and the article he wrote in EON #010. Both will give you a hint of what I am about to embark on. Me, and a few hundred other EVE fanboys that is!

Oooh, the wait is unbearable!

A login advert for last year's fanfest.


Carole Pivarnik said...

HEY There'll be fanGIRLS there too...sadly, I won't be one of them. Maybe next year, though!

Anonymous said...

Yay, we're going off to fanfest. Big news will follow (I've put myself under a personal NDA regarding it, but believe me it'll be big.) I'll be wife free on the Friday night (she has other plans) so how about that beer :)

DeafPlasma said...

I'm off next year I hope! Unfortunatly don't have holiday available this year personally... so although funds permit, work doesn't !

Question is whether to bring the g/f? She wants to go to Iceland, but is of opinion one geek is enough for her - she's scared of the vast quantity of geeks at Fanfest :)

A question - when will dates for FF 09 be released so I can book the holiday as early as poss next year?

Anonymous said...

Oh man, I wish I was going this year :(

CrazyKinux said...

@Mynxee - Too bad. I've started working on the Fanfest 2009 project to convince the wife that (1) I'll be going, and (2) she'll be coming and enjoying the "Sisters of EVE" package! Climbing Mount Everest has been proven to be much easier!

@Mandrill - Oooh, can't wait to hear about it! That beer (and many others) is a definite! Looking forward to it!

@DeafPlasma - Your better-half should get the "Sisters of EVE" package as well. Then we'll both be there next year. The dates are usually announced in June of the same year.

@Ombeve - That's really too bad. Next year then!

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