Saturday, July 12, 2008

The Drone Bay: Episode 13 - Back With a Vengeance

Virgin Worlds Link
EVE Forum Link (please bump!)

Show notes:

Episode 13 is here, and the whole gang is back!

Bring on the Drones:

In the recap and update, Crovan gets into Factional Warfare and the guys share a bit about their in and out of game lives over the gap.

This week's Don't Panic covers tanking. Those who heard Crovan's feature on Warp Drive Active a few months back will probably remember a similar feature on that show. It was chosen this week in the continuing theme of getting new players and converted carebears ready for PvP, as well as refreshing the old-timers.

Lots of mail this week, including quite a few asking if the show still existed. We do, we promise!

In out of game discussion, Age of Conan comes up for what is likely the last time, as none of the gang are playing it any more. Find out why!

We're renewing our call for mp3s. Audacity is a free, open source program that is great for recording and editing. In fact, it's what we use for the show! Also, our Skype voicemail should be working. Please tell us if you try it and it doesn't work, or if you leave a message, period!

Contact Info:

GAX Online Group: The Drone Bay

dronebay[at] (comments/questions for everyone)

Skype: Dronebay

Bitter Old Noob (Crovan)
CrazyKinux's Musing
The Littlest Drone (Alsedrech)

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