Well, to say that the last week was a little busy would be like saying that Amarrians have only a small ego problem.Talk about a bonanza of news and posts!
First off some big news from CCP:
- Speed Rebalanced - The nerf bat gets used in a mighty big way.
- EVE bloggers Bri and Morphisat react to the news and the EVE Forums are set on fire!
- QA Engineering Dev blog - Empyrean Age - CCP Lingorm on the implication of implementing Factional Warfare. Very interesting.
- Factional Warfare Political Overview - CCP puts together a document on EA's political consequences. Recommended read for roleplayers.
- Massively takes on EVE Online's learning curve - Massively bloggers (when not forced to be quiet) cover your EVE learning curve needs.
- The Admission of Defeat... - Van Hemlock gives up on Factional Warfare (for now).
- Eve Online skills - branching out - Having recently returned to New Eden, Rick explores the EVE Online skill labyrinth.
- AvA Combat in Ambulation - Somehow this old post resurfaces and blazes through a forum thread.
- EVE Online: combat basics - Euro Gamer MMO's Jim Rossignol looks at the current state of combat in EVE.
- Eve Online - My new addiction - Seems that the EVE virus is spreading further amongst the geek population.
- EVE online graphic novel: Dron Ran in rancid - Is a player-made EVE Graphic Novel in the works? Looks promising!
- Factional Warfare Player Guide - Thought it would be appreciated to point the CCP guide to Empyrean Age.
- EVE Tribune #29, Year 3 - Highly entertaining and well worth the read, as always.
- The Future of EVE Voice - Winterblink speaketh, and they listened...
- EVE Newb Spectre's Very Helpful Newb Pirate Guide series:
- Chapter I - Intel & Information Management
- Chapter II - Effective Ships For Newb Pirating
- Chapter III - Skill Training For A Newb Pirate
- EVE Live - Chribba's well put together EVE Ship Fitting site
- Some new EVE Bloggers added to the list:
- Syncaine's Market tribulations:
- Deciding what to do.... - A pirate looks to the EVE blogging community on what to do next!
- Council of Ship Modifications - Lavista Vista reports back on CSM discussions.
- Titan Weekly - Episode 4 now available.
- If the EVE Factions Drove Cars From My Youth - Factional Driving a la Wilhelm. Funny as hell!
- Getting ready for investors - Letrange is looking for investors
- Stop bitching about skill points newbtards - Syncaine tells it like it is! Great conversation.
A Pirate? A pirate you say...Throws gloves at CK...
How dare you acuse me of blowing people away who are not blue ( NBKI);
Hunting people with merciless abandon hoping to destroy their little ships;
Oh NOES I is a prate? DAmmit I didn;t mean to be one...aww crap....wekll I don;t ransom people does that count as being a good guy?
You're good at finding stuff :). Some very interesting links here, thx !
Cool! Cheers for sticking me in there, no pressure to actually write stuff worth reading now then!
Looking?... Preparing for investment from withing the alliance - yes. Looking for investors? not quite. As a later post points out it only took my alliance to fill out the 1.35billion 13.5h - we're a small alliance but 1.35billion is a puny number in the grand scheme of things...
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