Saturday, December 17, 2005

Skyland: the first two episodes available!

So this morning I was looking up the "recent keywords" activity of my blog, using StatCounter (it's the best free site statistics I've come across), and "skyland" comes up regularly. I always research keywords to understand how you guys get to this blog and what you searhed for to get here. Through StatCounter, you can link to the search page (98% of them being Google) with the keywords they (that's you) searched under.

I did just that this morning, and doing so, came across a French site which had posted the links on NickToons to the FULL first 2 episodes of Skyland in Quicktime!!

So without further ado, here are the links.


[Edited 5 April, 2006] It seems Nicktoons has removed both episodes - I'll try to find them elsewhere. Drop me an email if you still interested in getting them or if you have new links to them.


Anonymous said...

hey awsome! thanks for posting these quicktime links. I have been searching for info on this show for a while.

CrazyKinux said...

The pleasure is all mine! Enjoy!

Anonymous said...

Did you ever find a new source for these episodes

Anonymous said...
Found some torrents to download gets english/french versions ep 3 - 10 missing ep 1 and 2.... Dang It!!...

CrazyKinux said...

Actually, I could email both episodes to you if you're interested.

Drop me an email and I'll send them both to you using Pando ( - which you should get as its such a great little utility for this kind of thing.

P.S.: cute kids by the way George!

Anonymous said...

i was wondering if you have the episodes? i have been looking everywhere for it too. thanks!

CrazyKinux said...

Please email me and I will provide you links to download both episodes.

Anonymous said...

where can u get ep 11+ (english) from?

CrazyKinux said...

No clue! Sorry.

Anonymous said...

ok, thanks anyways

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