Monday, December 03, 2007

From Rags to Riches, The Challenge

Day 2 of the Rags to Riches challenge set forth by fellow blogger, Drew Shiel from The Wizard of Duke Street. The challenge started yesterday, but I was only able to get on board today, having been away for the week-end.

The challenge is simple: create a new EVE character through the 14-day trial account and amass the greatest sum of ISK. All this while blogging about it. The winner gets an EVE Online 30-day game time code.

I've created my new character, Saoundra Meezo, a Khanid pilot part of the great Amarr Empire. I'll be posting in character throughout the next 2 weeks, in addition to my regular (irregular is more appropriate these days) posts.

My fellow challenger are Bellacrow and Wiseones. Good luck gents!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am very interested in reading the results of this. Please keep us updated!

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