Monday, December 19, 2016

How EVE Online and a Passion for its Community led to my Career Makeover

(This post was originally published on LinkedIn on December 14th under the title "How Internet Spaceships and a Passion for Online Communities led to a Career Makeover")

What does an online multiplayer game have to do with a career makeover you ask? Bear with me for a second.

A bit of background first.

For as long as I can remember, I didn't know what I wanted to be when I grew up. It seemed to me that all my friends in high school or college were working hard studying to become engineers, marketing professionals, teachers or whatever was driving them.

Me, not so much. Nevertheless, I worked hard in school and always kept my options open. After 6 years in university, I had a Bachelor's degree in History and a full time opportunity to work for a major technology player. Off I went to work at IBM in Toronto, as a Customer Relations representative. The role would eventually lead me to work in digital media, in various Sales and Business Development positions for the next 15 years.

That career path allowed me to travel the world, meet extraordinary people and build long lasting relationship, which I cherish to this day.

But deep down inside, there was a void. A void that would soon get filled with by a community of internet spaceship pilots.

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