Saturday, December 29, 2018

Rekindling an old love. Or how I've been sucked back into blogging!

2019. A new year. A fresh beginning.

Having recently resubscribed to Eve Online, I find myself wanting to get back to my old habits of blogging and being more active with the community of gamers and Eve bloggers with whom I've shared so much in the past.

And so, I've decided to get back to a much more active blogging schedule. Before I do that though, I need to clean-up the blog, removing some old tags I used at the start of my blogging days back in 2005-2006. In addition to that, there's still a ton of old links that use .com instead of my new domain

That's still ongoing and will likely take me a few more weeks to finish up. In the meantime I still want to post regularly with updates on my new adventures in New Eden, share some of the cool artwork that I come across (as in the above), share short movies and trailers of what I'm looking forward to in the near future. All in all, just getting back to my pre-july-2011 days.

I'll try to push out one most post later today with ideas for my weekly blogging schedule.

Stay tuned!

1 comment:

Shaban said...

Rip free time friend. Eve is a hell of a game but damn, if it doesnt eat your time. I respect the dedication though.

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