Thursday, March 23, 2006

EVE Online: EVE Gathering 2006 in Las Vegas

It's been over a week since my last post and there's a good reason for that. Last Tuesday, I flew to Las Vegas for a 5 day vacation and to attend the first ever EVE Gathering. I'd would have never believed Vegas was so much fun, even for someone who does gamble, but it was a blast!

I've always wanted to go to an EVE Fan fest in Iceland, but Vegas being that much closer, I could miss the opportunity. And I'm glad I went. I had a chance to meet some fellow PPL members (Bandus, Isuridae, Dontcha, Dr Seuss) and meet the Devs (Oveur, TomB, LeMonde, Kieron, ActiveAlli). My wife and I even got a chance to eat with Oveur, TomB, LeMonde and the ladies of EVE, having won a dinner with them.

Here is the link to the photos of the event for your enjoyment!

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