Sunday, May 28, 2006

An amazing EVE Online wallpaper from Meritus

Since finding this amazing wallpaper image in early May, I've used it as such both at home and at work. "The Iron Tide" is a 30" wide work of art depecting a huge EVE Online battle. This is the work of Meritus (aka Murtaza), and he does deserve all the merit (pun intended) for this beuatiful rendition of EVE warfare.

[UPDATE 18/04/2008] Thanks to an anonymous reader who pointed out that the above links - which I removed - were dead. Here's the link to the full size image. I've also got a downloaded version, so if this link ever dies on us I can email it to you.


Anonymous said...

Do you have the hires pic? the original post is long gone.

CrazyKinux said...

Thanks for the notice. See the UPDATE above for a working link.


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