Monday, April 09, 2007

Video of Succubus versus a True Sansha Outpost

Here's a well made short video of a Succubus going after a True Sansha Complex. The video has a good pace, a nice track (Arrakis from Black Sun Empire) and some great visuals. I wish there were more of these videos out there! Maybe I'll have to start making some myself!! In the mean time enjoy this one!


Anonymous said...

A Succubus? How does one go about acquiring one of those, seeing that it's a Sansha frigate to begin with?

CrazyKinux said...

Good point. I'll be honest I have no clue. We should the fella who posted the clip on Youtube.

Anonymous said...

you can aquire faction ships and/or faction ship blueprints by running missions for that faction (sanshas for example have stations and agents in 0.0 space). sometimes ship blueprints will also drop from npcs directly, as a reward for complexes for example (think they are named expeditions or sth now)...

if you have the isk, you can also just check the contracts. there's usually nearly all faction ships available in jita.

CrazyKinux said...

Thank you for the tip who ever you are! Very much appreciated!


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