Monday, December 22, 2008

EVE Blog Banter #3: Standing on the Shoulders of Giants

Welcome to the third installment of the EVE Blog Banter, the monthly EVE Online blogging extravaganza created by yours truly. The EVE Blog Banter involves an enthusiastic group of gaming bloggers, a common topic within the realm of EVE Online, and a week to post articles pertaining to the said topic. The resulting articles can either be short or quite extensive, either funny or dead serious, but are always a great fun to read! Any questions about the EVE Blog Banter should be directed here. Check out other EVE Blog Banter articles at the bottom of this post!

This month's EVE Blog Banter comes to us from Roc Wieler of Roc's Ramblings. Roc's asks us to "write a story about a fellow EVE Blogger, or an EVE player whom has inspired you or affected you in some tangible way. After your story, describe why you chose them, and any Holiday wish you have specifically for them".

Wow, that's a tough one! One EVE Blogger, eh? One player, just one? That would be impossible in my case, because there's more than one individual who has influenced me in doing what I do for the EVE community.

I pondered a long time on the subject of this banter. I went over and over the list of blogs to see whom I could choose. Quite a few names came up. Some were naughty, some were nice. But after going over the list a few times, some names started to make their way to the front. In the end four were left. Four individual who've had such a big impact on me that this blog would not be what it is without their influence, neither would the podcasts that I've done, nor my abilities as a blogger and a writer. These individual's name resonate in everything I do, anything I write, whenever I ponder on the world of New Eden. These individuals are Winterblink, Zapatero, Brent Lassi and Nate Combs. There are the Giants on who's shoulders I stand. These are inspirations which push me forward. Here is why...

Winterblink - I can't recall the first time I came across some of his work, but I think it was his Nature Vraie short story. Then came the podcast Warp Drive Active, with fellow co-host Urban Mongral. And then the comic! This guy was a machine, spitting out EVE material faster than a Caldari shuttle being followed by a Brutix's drones! And to top it all off, the fellow is a Canadian! Can it get any better! Blinky has been an inspiration as well as a focus lens for me. Though I've now taken my very own place in the EVE Community, I could not have done it without Winterblink first showing me that it was possible.

Zapatero - When I first read the editorial in the first issue of EON, and came upon the name of it's author, I knew then and there that a new force had been unleashed. An invisible force that would bind talent, knowledge and hard work to create the work of art that EON is. Anyone who's been along for the ride from the first issue to the latest, has benefited from Zapatero's consistent efforts. Earlier this year, I was honored by being given the chance to write an article for the 12th issue. Somehow, I must have done something right, because I was given another chance recently (as you shall soon read). I don't consider myself a good writer, and the effort needed to put together these two articles have been a great learning experience.

Brent Lassi - I have been an avid follower of Brent's VirginWorlds almost from the day it was born. I was there when it was just a blog. I witnessed the transformation to what it is today: the Mecca of MMORPG podcasts and MMO news. Brent has been an inspiration for my involvement in both The Drone Bay, as well as the more recent (and much overdue) MicroWarpCast. If these two shows have enjoyed any success it is in great part due to the knowledge that's been passed down to us by Brent. Brent's amazing talent for podcasting is seen with every show he does, from his first back in March 2006, to his latest. I owe him dearly!

Nate Combs - If there is one an individual who understands the political intrigue and landscape of New Eden, that man is Nate Combs. Even before he wrote his masterful 2-part series on Alliances in the issues #11 and #12 of EON, Nate was writing about EVE over at Terra Nova. His insight and analysis of EVE's virtual world have been inspiration for me, both as a player of the game and has someone with scientific curiosity. I always look forward to a new article by Nate, and thoroughly enjoy his abilities to bring forward to beauty and complexity of new Eden.

Many individuals have played a part in getting my creative mojo going, but the 4 individuals mentioned above have had a too great impact on me as a player, blogger, writer and podcaster not to mention them here!

Thank you gentlemen!



Bahamut said...

Wonderful posts. Always good for our leader to give thanks to all the little people! lolz...

I mentioned you in my banter.

Merry Christmas!

Anonymous said...

The "Four Great Pillars"!!!!

Yup, I have to agree with you, they were some of my inspiration as well.

Anonymous said...

Great post. I must admit I'm unfamiliar with Nate Combs though... I'll have to check his work out!

Good stuff as always, CK

Leumas said...

It's always nice to have those that are considered "giants" pass the praise back up the line. It is a learning experience to see what inspires others.

John Calvin Hall said...

Excellent idea! Will generate some thought.

Anonymous said...

Glad to see you mentioned Brent here.

Before I'd even played an MMO, I was listening to the VirginWorlds podcast (and Gary Gannon and Ryan Verniere's Massively Online Gamer podcast). Those podcasts really fired up my interest in EVE Online, so it's cool that Brent's getting some props here at CrazyKinux's Musing.

Anonymous said...

Hey, I'm the only one allowed to stand on shoulders around here!!! I'll race you to the top of the mountain :)

Thanks CK. You've had a prolific year. Have a good Xmas and I look forward to seeing you in the next one.

Btw, who's Winterblink?

Wikiget said...

So, I've been thinking. Does it make sense going back to old links and updating them? Or would it be easier to do use... alternate methods for things like this?...
like a wiki?

CrazyKinux said...

@Derken - Yeah. We need to figure out a better way! Let's think of something we could do instead.

Wikiget said...

One step ahead of you.

WTM said...

Great post... and completely agree about the impact Winterblink has had on the amateur Eve media...

...though I don't think you realise what an impact you have had as well....

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