Monday, December 29, 2008

You still with me here?

As with many EVE Bloggers the end of the year has seen me very busy with RL (and work). I'm writing this during my lunch break, while at work. Over the last few days, I've managed to get a few hours in EVE, but at the price of not making last Friday's EVE Speedlinking post. A guy can have some fun n'est-ce pas?

No worries though, as I've decided to post the last speedlinking post of the year this week, on the last day of 2008.

Looking back at my posts over the last year, I've decided to focus a bit more on my game play over the coming year. I'll try to get back to a more personal point of view with EVE as I really enjoyed the feedback I got. Of course, I will continue maintaining the EVE Blogroll, Blog Pack and Blog Banter, as well as get back to a regular schedule for my podcasts.

Expect to see more daily posts over the next few weeks!

See you in space!


Anonymous said...

Welcome back ;)

No'Wai said...

wb sir!

Anonymous said...

You sir, are a God.

Your speedlinking and blog roll and banter are an essential part of my daily blog experience and I love the podcasts too.

Fully understand RL commitments and all but it is about a healthy balance too.


Wikiget said...

You work too hard for the Blog community already.

Take a rest, do what you need to do.

WTM said...

Good to have you back CK....

.....however RL > Eve... so as Derken says, take a break.

We promise we won't break "much" while you're away.

Anonymous said...

Glad your doing well, your daily presence is certainly missed but hey, no job = limited funds, and you gotta take care of the family. Glad your well, hope you had a M erry Christmas and a Happy New year.

CrazyKinux said...

Thanks guys! Looking forward to blogging more, playing more and podcasting more in the New Year!

Cheers to all!

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