Tuesday, July 14, 2009

6 Winners in the First EVE Blog Banter Contest!

In what proved to be a very successful writing competition with 45 entries in total, James, Richard and I have narrowed it down to half a dozen articles. And though the final count should have been 3 winners and one honorable mention (4 in all), I just couldn't bare the thought of dropping 2 out of our 6 top picks. And so 2 additional contestants will receive some "special" EVE loot from me directly.

Now enough talk, here are the winners:

  1. Sweet Little Bad Girl, "Who is Nibbling at My House?"
  2. Into the unknown with gun and camera. "The Hokey Cokey"
  3. A Mule in EVE, "He who giveth, also taketh away?"
  4. Miners with Fangs. "It's the Scotch"
  5. A Merry Life and a Short One. "Why Won't You Die?"
  6. A Sebiestor Scholar, "Slaves"

Let me reiterate how difficult though fun it was to go over each and everyone's article, and choose these winners. Each and every article had something interesting to bring forth, some were dead serious, some a lighter read, some in-character, and some were even making fun of our whole EVE Blogging efforts (you know who you are!).

For the top 4 winners, Shae, ChainTrap, Manasi and Dee, congratulations! You've done us proud and have showed the breadth and high quality material that comes out of the EVE Blogging Community. Now if you're curious to see what you've won, just head back to the list of prizes here. Then please email me your full mailing so that we can get you those prizes! The same goes for the last 2, Hallan and Zargyl!

I'd like to thank everyone who participated in this last EVE Blog Banter, and look forward to your participation in the next one, which will be our 1oth! The subject matter will definitely get your thinking cap going!

Fly Safe!


Anonymous said...

Hey congrats guys!

Achernar said...

Congratulations to the winners!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to everyone!!!!

Letrange said...

gratz guys

Ivanneth Maethor said...

/emote keels over from shock

Anonymous said...

Shae they just like you cause you make all of us look ugly! Many gratz indeed!

Sirius Bradford said...

Gratz guys!

Ivanneth Maethor said...

@ Manasi - that is totally not true and you know it :p

Carole Pivarnik said...

Gratz to all the winners, but I must say I'm pleased to see Shae in the number one spot!

Thorvik said...

Outstanding choices. Gratz to the winners for some well done posts.

Hallan Turrek said...

Woah, good to see I made it in with the extra spots. Thanks. Congratulations to Shae.

Teister said...

Not that I want to shit on anybody's parade, but I can't help but notice at least half the winners here didn't even follow the instructions.

The question was this:
"Which game mechanic would you most like to see removed completely from EVE and why?"

Most of the entries weren't what they would remove but just changes to already existing game mechanics.

Just sayin...

CrazyKinux said...

You're absolutely right Teister, but so were most of the articles submitted. Still, we stand by our choices! Thanks for the feedback btw!

Chain Trap said...

Wow! Thanks! Quite a surprise this. Good work by all the people who wrote something, and special grats to Shae Tiann

Le Sac said...

Spectre?! :D

Furrot said...

If you were looking for two to remove I would have removed 1 and 6. I don't feel that the first blog explained why removing local would be good as well as the other entry and am unsure why it would be on the list. I would have not chosen 6 as it was too much of a new mechanic to fit within the rules of the contest (but I liked the idea a lot). The "Scotch" entry was the highest quality and definitely deserved to win. The fictional meeting and the idea itself were interesting and entertaining.

My only complaint would be that many people seemed to have saved their answers from the "what would you change/add" questions in the past and wrote them out again. As a player I wanted to read about a mechanic that should be removed and why, not a description of all the changes they would make. This being EVE I imagine a few people were concerned about backlash or being flames but if you have an idea like "remove jump clones" you should explain why you should remove them and not explain some new clone system to replace it.

Regardless I enjoyed this open Blog Banter a lot and read a few blogs on the roll I hadn't seen before. As always I'll be constanting checking Capsuleer for the next time you put out a new topic. Thanks everyone.

Strep said...

how does one get in on this Blog Banter you have circulating??

CrazyKinux said...

@Strep - Just send me a quick email and I'll add you to the list! (crazykinux[at]gmail.com)

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