Friday, November 12, 2010

Friday Video: I'm about to have a Geek Orgasm! Seriously!

Just when I thought TRON trailers couldn't out do themselves, but they've just done so. Watch and witness this orgasmic experience!


8 to Infinity Bit Gaming said...

Yeah that is pretty sweet! I'm not usually one for movies, but I'd pay my money for this one.

CrazyKinux said...


Unknown said...

I just realized that my 7-year old son never saw the original TRON. This major omission in his life will be corrected by the end of the weekend.

CrazyKinux said...

Mine are too young now, but they will HAVE to see this as part of their geek-upbringing!

Benoit CozmikR5 Gauthier said...

December can't come soon enough...

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