Thursday, January 13, 2011

EVE Blog Banter #24: Be, all that you can be, and so much more!

Welcome to the twenty-fourth installment of the EVE Blog Banter, the monthly EVE Online blogging extravaganza created by CrazyKinux. The EVE Blog Banter involves an enthusiastic group of gaming bloggers, a common topic within the realm of EVE Online, and a week or so to post articles pertaining to the said topic. The resulting articles can either be short or quite extensive, either funny or dead serious, but are always a great fun to read! Any questions about the EVE Blog Banter should be directed to Check for other EVE Blog Banter articles at the bottom of this post!
This month's Banter topic comes to us from the ever helpful Eelis Kiy, capsuleer behind the "Where the frack is my ship" blog. She asks: How does your real life personality compare to who you are as a character in EVE? Does a good leader of people in the real world make a good leader of pilots in game? Or vice-versa? Do your real-life skills help you with the roles you fulfill in your corporation or alliance? Or do you behave completely differently? Does the anonymity of the Internet allow you to thrive on the tears of others in New Eden whilst you work as a good Samaritan away from your keyboard? Or are you as mean outside of your pod as you are inside it? Have experiences in EVE Online affected your behavior, skills or attitudes outside of the game?
In a world such as EVE Online, with endless possibilities, it's easy to see why the attraction of developing an alter ego would be there. Let's try to answer Eelis' questions!

How does your real life personality compare to who you are as a character in EVE?
I've got two characters in EVE, Treenara Mazouk my main, and CrazyKinux, an alt I created to prevent someone else from impersonating me in-game. In both cases though I'm pretty much myself whenever I log into New Eden. It didn't use to be like this in the past, but these days, a lot of my involvement in-game happens through the EVE Channel. I spend a lot of time chatting with a multiple of folks, some in channels, some in private convos. Either way, I'm pretty much the same out-of-game, than in-game. Makes you think though. Maybe creating a 3rd character, unknown to all, and completely different from me. Food for thought!
Does a good leader of people in the real world make a good leader of pilots in game? Or vice-versa?
I would not say that all great Corp or Alliance leaders are also great in the real world, but in today's global work environment, the skills one builds in-game, can certainly be applied if one works in an environment where your team members are spread out over multiple time-zones and geographies. There's a great research paper that was put out by the folks from @Seriosity on behalf of IBM on this very aspects of MMOs (see Virtual Worlds. Real Leaders). And though it's specifically takes a look at Word of Warcraft, it could be applied to other MMOs as well.
Do your real-life skills help you with the roles you fulfill in your corporation or alliance? Or do you behave completely differently?
My real life occupation deals with sales/marketing/communications, so in a way you could say that everything I do related to EVE Online, this blog, the blog community, Blog Pack and Blog Banter does in a way fulfill itself in part do to my real world job skills.
Does the anonymity of the Internet allow you to thrive on the tears of others in New Eden whilst you work as a good Samaritan away from your keyboard? Or are you as mean outside of your pod as you are inside it?
As I've stated above, I'm pretty much the same in-game or in-real-life. Though I'm curious to explore the darker sides of my personality in an online EVE alter-ego. Muhahahaha!!!
Have experiences in EVE Online affected your behavior, skills or attitudes outside of the game?
They've certainly grown my social network way beyond anything I would have imagined. As such, I'm much open to engage with other in or out of game, to create new friendships where none existed before. EVE has allowed me to develop a global (worldwide) network of friends which is integral to my enjoyment of the game and the community that we've built around it.

Long Live EVE Online. Long Live the EVE Blogging Community!

List of participants:
  1. EVE Blog Banter #24: Be, all that you can be, and so much more!
  2. BB24:RL + EVE = | A Mule In EvE
  3. Freebooted: BB 24: You Talking to Me?
  4. where the frack is my ship?: Blog Banter 24: Behind the keyboard
  5. (OOC) CK’s Blog Banter #24: I Am Prano. « Prano's Journey
  6. mikeazariah » Blog Archive » BB24 Who are you, who hoo woo hoo
  7. Drifting: The 24th EVE Blog Banter (January 2011 Edition) - Topic: EVE and Real Life
  8. Victoria Aut Mors » Blog Archive » Eve Blog Banter #24 – Where Eve Meets Real Life
  9. Who is more real?? « The Durzo Chronicles
  10. Captain Serenity: blog banter #24 - Personalities
  11. Confessions of a Closet Carebear: EVE and Real Life (EVE Blog Banter #24)
  12. The 24th EVE Blog Banter - EVE and Real Life - The Phoenix Diaries
  13. » EvE Blog Banter #24: EVE and Real Life EvE Blasphemy
  14. Blog Banter 24: In Real Life « Yarrbear Tales
  15. The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Alt « the hydrostatic capsule
  16. Blog Banter #24 – Me « Roc's Ramblings
  17. Blog Banter: Personalities in game and out of game
  18. Fiddler's Edge: Game Face - Eve Blog Banter #24
  19. Progression's Horizon: Blog Banter 24- Synonymous or Anonymous?
  20. Diary of a Space Jockey - Cozmik R5's EVE blog: Blog Banter #24: I am me
  21. EVEOGANDA: BB#24: Real Life & Eve
  22. Reflections ~ Inner Sanctum of the Ninveah
  23. Sleepless in Space: Eve Blog Banter #24: A New Age
  24. More to come....


Mat Westhorpe said...

"Maybe creating a 3rd character, unknown to all, and completely different from me. Food for thought!"

Hmm, I suspect this is a bit of misdirection. You have an EVE account with three character slots that is how many years old? If find it hard too believe there isn't already Stealth CK out there somewhere, hiding among us.

And if there isn't, there should be. For an EVEbrity there should be a virtual equivalent of donning a cap and some shades and slipping into the crowd.

"Though I'm curious to explore the darker sides of my personality in an online EVE alter-ego. Muhahahaha!!!"

This is just more evidence of your duality. Maybe it's like a Hulk/Mr Hyde thing and you don't even realise you're doing it.

Get help CK, before it's too late.

CrazyKinux said...

A Stealth CK, I like that!

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