Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The Ultimate Guide to EVE Online - ISK Guide 3.0 [FREE]

Late last week, I was ask to share with you some good news from our friends at MMM Publishing. Now I'm  usually not the type to repost directly information that's being past on to me, but hey, this is EON, this is the "new and improved ISK Guide" and hell, it's FREE! So without further ado, and even though you may have already seen it on a few other blogs, here is the low-down!

The ultimate strategy guide for EVE players, from the makers of EON magazine
London, England - January 6, 2011 - MMM Publishing, a leading publisher of online gaming
magazines, has announced a new "EON Presents..." publication for players and fans of the award-winning science fiction universe EVE Online. This February "EON presents... ISK 3.0" will be released as a free pdf download, offering all EVE players the most exhaustive and expansive strategy guide that's ever been compiled in the game's eight year history.
Like previous "EON Presents..." projects (EVE Strategic Maps, EVE Career Guide), the ISK 3.0 guide is a collaborative effort between EVE players, CCP Games and the design and editorial teams of MMM Publishing. Previous versions of the "Industrial-Sized Knowledgebase" have been downloaded by almost 40,000 EVE players and the vast compendium is considered by many to be EVE's de facto player manual. 
The new expanded ISK guide has been updated to include recent changes brought to EVE
Online as part of the Incursion expansion, including adaptions to character creation, skill training
and planetary interaction. It has also been completely redesigned to be easier to read and reference important sections, with new images and tables within established chapters on getting
started, ship fitting, manufacturing, trading, exploration and combat. "EVE players have been crying out for a comprehensive strategy guide since the game first came out" says EON editor Richie Shoemaker. "With ISK 3.0 people are going to realise that the wait has been worthwhile. Compiled over many, many months it's an incredible piece of work that we're proud to help bring to EVE players."
Beyond the release of ISK 3.0 the team will begin work on a premium edition of the guide that
will be available to buy as a digital publication alongside EON Digital. The extended 500-page
guide will also be available to pre-order from the EVE Store as an exclusive and limited edition
print publication. Price and publication details will be announced at a later date.
"Creating ISK has been a labour of love for many months and we intend to keep updating and
releasing newer and better versions of the guide for as long as people want to read them"
said ISK’s creators Gábor Várkonyi and László Lipták. "Our dream is to eventually have a
professionally published edition in my hand and after having published EON magazine for six
years, MMM Publishing are the best people to make that dream come true." 
ISK 3.0 Lite Edition will be freely available as a pdf file from February 1, 2011 from
www.isktheguide.com, www.eve-files.com and all good EVE fansites. The digital and print
Premium Edition will follow in the spring. 
Contact: Ian Bond, MMM Publishing Director, info@mmmpublishing.com
About MMM Publishing
MMM Publishing is a London-based publishing company specialising in community-driven
games magazines aimed at the players of massively-multiplayer online games (MMOGs). Since
2005 MMM Publishing has worked alongside industry-leading developers like CCP Games,
Sony Online Entertainment and Codemasters to help enliven the experiences of players across
the world. MMM Publishing's leading publication is EON the official EVE Online magazine. Now in its sixth year of successful operation, EON is published quarterly and sent out to more than 80 countries worldwide.

Don't you love FREE stuff? Especially when it's this good!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looking forward to this. The guild online is great and all, but (and yes you can call me old-fashioned) I would much rather prefer a hardcopy.

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