It's that time of the year. The time when you look back at the last 12 month and assess what you've accomplished, what you weren't able to do, and weigh all of that. Looking back, 2010 wasn't as bad as I imagined it. I was happily surprised that I had actually written more posst in 2010 than I had the previous year.
Nevertheless, its a far cry from what I had done in 2008, the year where I created the EVE Blogroll, the Blog Pack and the Blog Banter. I guess that's what having a full time job and kids does to you! I could go on and tell you about the number of posts I did, or the comments that they generated. I could also look at the total number of pageviews, or visitors that the blog had, but that's not the purpose of this post.
What I want to focus on right now, is the future. The future of this blog, as well as the future of my gameplay. Blogwise, I want to refocus this blog on EVE Online, with more guides, more updates on what I'm doing in-game, more focus on what the conversation is in the EVE Blogsphere, or the TweetFleet. I probably will continue posting non-EVE related material, but I want enough EVE-focused posts that it will seem more like an "EVE Blog", rather than a "Geek Blog"! See what I did here! :p.
Of course the EVE Blog Banters will continue, and I'll certainly try to give you a better heads-up, as well as participate more so than I have recently done. The New Eden Chronicles podcast with @MaeveTrinity, @Ardwulf and @Memoocan_NEC will continue as well (on a side note, we're still waiting for Apple to get its act together and list the podcast on iTunes). So please let us know your thoughts and requests!
I also want to put more focus on my gameplay and relate to you what I'm currently doing in-game. That's something I used to do years ago, but had stopped to put more focus on the EVE Community. I'd like to share that with you again.
I still have a bit of catch-up to do on my emails. So if you've written to me about getting added to the EVE Blog Pack, or for some specific request, do not despair. I WILL REPLY to you!
So here's to 2011, year of rebirth, year of focus! And thanks for sticking around for so long. Your company has been a treasure of inspiration!
Fly safe!
1 comment:
Good luck CK, hope 2011 is eve-filled for you!
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