- EVE Online Player Guide (online version)
- New Character Creation Guide
- Character Attributes & Skills Guide
- EVEMon - A great tool to plan your skills
- EVE Fitting Tool - Know thy ship
- EVE Guides
- Grismar's EVE Wiki - very useful
- EVE Ships Wiki - also useful
- EVE Files - The greatest of all EVE database
- EVE Tribune - To stay on top of the news
- Warp Drive Active - Cause sometimes laughing is a great remedy
- Battleclinic.com - "The" largest and most comprehensive support sites for EVE-Online
Ok, so that's 11 [EDIT: now 12!], but you can't blame me for WDA, it has to be a regular stop for any EVE player that pretends to know something.
Well, there you have it. This should help anyone trying to learn the complexities of EVE and give himself, or herself, a edge. If you think I forgotten a sites that's been helpful to you when you started, or still is, then please let me know!
As I leave you, here is a quote that sums up very poignantly what it's all about: "EVE is like a sandbox with land mines, deal with it!"
thx! just what I was looking for. Got the 14 day free trial and I'm trying to figure this game out. :)
Always a pleasure to help a fellow player. Good luck and fly safe!
Awesome, nothing like this on the official site, which is where I thought I'd find it.
I'm finding EVE a bit hard to get into at the moment, this should help a ton! :D
Glad it'll help. Feel free to evemail me - Treenara Mazouk is my characters name.
CK , I will pass your site to a friend who has just started! Thanks as always for a great site.
Please do so and give him my best regards!
DotLan maps, and of course I like EVEHQ.net (know they ship and know thy skills plus assets and bunches of other goodies all in one) as EFT was ( at last check out of date still)
Great list !
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