Thursday, February 25, 2010

EVESpace: CrazyKinux's lair within the BatCave!

Thought I'd join in and share with you my EVESpace, where I lay my Evil plans to control and subjugate the EVE Blogging Community. Or fail trying! :p

See the Flickr photo for more details and notes.

As you see, I'm still using one fairly small, 19" monitor. I seriously need to either add a 2nd 19", or get one of those nasty 24" widescreen LCDs! Now that would be wicked! Thanks for a great idea @chocolips! Here below are everyone else's EVE workspace in all their beauty! I have to say, Blake's setup and view is by far my favorite!
  1. Chocolate Heaven: EVESPACE
  2. Life in Low Sec: OOC: What's In Your EVESpace?
  3. Rettic's Log: Lots of Bloggers are posting their workspace
  4. The Travels of Black Claw: What's in your EveSpace?
  5. K162Space: Blake's EVE Machine
  6. A Mule in EVE: Manasi’s rig
  7. Wench with a Wrench: The Trinity Rig
  8. Zen and the Art of Internet Spaceship Maintenance: Inside my Pod
  9. Tales of a Low Sec Pirate: My EveSpace
  10. I am Keith Neilson: My EVE Space
  11. Sweet Little Bad Girl: Evespaces
  12. Finders & Keepers: Eve And the Apple
  13. Escape Velocity: My evespace
  14. My Loot, Your Tears: What’s Your EVESpace like?
  15. Inner Sanctum of the Ninveah: My workspace
  16. Cogito Ergo Yarr: My EVE-Space? No. Just Space.
  17. Yarrbear Tales: Evespace
  18. The Wandering Druid of Tranquility: Weekly Highlights
  19. EVEOGANDA: EveSpace: Home Away From Home
  20. Learning to Fly: My Battlestation
  21. A Ghost Blog: My EVE Space
  22. @StMistaken's 2 and 1 monitor set-up
  23. @webspaceships' simple yet elegant space
  24. Nukes Thoughts: My Domain
  25. @worldpcdude's multi-monitor bonanza looks freakish!
  26. Kirith Darkblade: EVESpace
  27. EVE Newb: The Throne
  28. Guns Ablaze: EVE Space
  29. The Lathspell of Mithrandir: EVESpace: More Than Just a System…
  30. Mike Azariah: Evespace meme
  31. The Beginnings of Piracy: Very Late to the Game
  32. Diary of a Space Jockey: Pilot's seat
  33. more?


Anonymous said...

Very neat! I envy the proper wood furniture to be honest. One day I'll have such niceties.

Why the two desk lamps, out of interest? Seems extreme. :D

Mandrill said...

And here was me imagining a huge multi-monitor setup, with possibly a direct neural feed (a la The Matrix). :)

I like it though, understated and functional. I really should get mine up at some point.

CrazyKinux said...

@chocolips - I've got the 2 lamps because it's way too dark with just one!

@mandrill - I'm a simple man, with simple tastes! :p

jtyler said...

Nice, I appreciate the simplicity. Kind of like my EVEspace.

Anonymous said...

all you damned neat niks with nothing what so ever of you on your desk make me want to can you have a desk so clean without something one lil piece of paper or at least help clutter it...for petes sake my rig looks like a garbage heap taken with a child's camera

much man love to our blogfather thanks for the link as always bro.

Anonymous said...

Nice and clean, I like it.

Mine will follow soon, I'm currently waiting for a client to pay me so I can buy 2 of those nasty 24" monitors, as soon as I have em I'll post mine too.

Lea said...

Alright I bite!

The Trinity Rig

Carole Pivarnik said...

Cool space--once you have two screens, you won't know how you did without them.

Mandrill said...

Mine is up here

Rixx Javix said...

Ok, I couldn't resist.

Redundant blogger said...

Erm - okay. Mine isn't nearly as nice as many of yours, but it serves its purpose and besides, it ain't finished.

Arukemos said...

Awww you didn't add me :(

Spectre said...

Mine is up here as well:

P.S. Congrats on the dual monitors. You'll never be able to go back to the way things were.

Anonymous said...

I'll agree with the "simple", but I think "elegant" gives me FAR too much credit, heh. Thanks for collecting everything, though!

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