The video below is a teaser for an upcoming web-based animated series. The guys behind it, U.E.G. Productions, seem to know what they're doing, because that teaser looks amazing.
I can't wait to see more. How about you?
Those interested in learning more should head to U.E.G. Productions, follow them on Twitter at @RobotechGenesis, or head over to their Facebook page.
Cannot wait for this. Been starved of good Anime for a while.
I remember watching Robo Tech when I was a kid, of course I loved it back then but man, I am hoping this is good.
Gotta love nostalgia.
no no. not robotech....Star Blazers! That and you probably played "Traveller" too. Was Elite out by then?
I still have all my Heavy Gear books...such a beautiful mileau.
Neat find. Now I just need someone to build a app for it :)
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