Saturday, February 27, 2010

My new and improved EVESpace

Having caved in to these multi-monitor evespaces I've been looking at, I purchased a sexy looking LG W2361V-PF; a 23" inch widescreen beauty queen! Trying to set this up last night proved a bit more tedious then I expected. but in the end I'm quite ecstatic with the results!
Ain't this the most prettiest site?


Mandrill said...

Thats more like it :D

Anonymous said...

Lovely monitor :)

Arukemos said...

I now hate you even more!!!

CrazyKinux said...

Thanks guys! Love ya back Arukemos! :p

Dante Edmundo said...

Nice. Worth every penny.

Redundant blogger said...

Very nice.

Somtimes I think it's a shame most PC's are still living in a study, or tucked away somewhere. I aim to have a PC linked up to a proper sized LCDTV and play EvE from my comfy sofa.

Then again, getting away from it all is sometimes the aim.

Carole Pivarnik said...

Looks great, CK. You'll wonder how you ever played with one monitor. I am mildly jealous :)

Anonymous said...

Looks much nicer :)

Flashfresh said...

A very nice, clean workspace. Unlike mine. Let me clean mine up and I will post it up too.

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