Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Microsoft .NET vs Java - trailer [Video]

Though I'm neither a Java Fanboy, nor a Microsoft Basher, the following video is too simply hilarious and too well made not to share with you all! Enjoy!

Long Live Geeks!


Anonymous said...

They got the music spot on. I would pay to see this :D

Mobly said...

I'm not into the culture of either, but it is a great video.

beattie282 said...

thats epic brilliant little video!!

Anonymous said...

This is a win on so many levels.

CrazyKinux said...

I knew you guys would love it! I've actually watched it a number of times since posting it! Too good!

Richard Slater said...

That was great, thanks dude.

Valera said...

That was simply amazing!

Tony "EVE's Weekend Warrior" said...

Too funny!

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