Tuesday, June 29, 2010

How to get into the EVE Blog Pack...

If I didn't track the hits to the EVE Blog Pack, and instead I measured its success based on the numbers of requests I get in comments, in tweets or emails, it would still come up as one of my most visited posts. And that in of itself is a measure of the quality, diversity and consistency of the content that the Pack members provide to the EVE Community. And we must thank them for it!

But that high measure of quality demands very high standards. I long ago recognized that need and wrote about it back when I wrote about "The Few, the Proud, the EVE Blog Pack Members!". And so, I've always tried removing outdated blogs, either at the request of their owners, or by their inactivity.

This is such a time. Currently the Pack has 4 openings, though I might have a few more free spots if some blogs are not updated shortly (see the list below). Blogs that haven't seen a post in 4 weeks, risk being removed at any given time from the pack. That's just the nature of things. Additionally, I like to ask from time to time if you know of any blogs that should be part of the pack. With the hundreds of EVE Blogs out there, it's now virtually impossible for me to catch all the best. That's why I need your input. So below, you'll also find a list of blogs I'm considering. Should yours be in there? Please leave a comment to let me know.

Might get REMOVED from the Pack:

Might get ADDED to the Pack:

So "How do you get into the EVE Blog Pack"? Here's what Pack members need to do!

[The original post can be found here]

The Privilege of Membership, comes with Responsibilities
As the popularity of the Pack grew, more and more bloggers wanted in. But as my initial goal was to foster both quality and quantity, I couldn't simply accept everyone. There are tons of great EVE blogs out there, all of whom deserve to get noticed. Which is why I've got the EVE Player Blogroll where I list every player's blog as quickly as I get requests. But for the Pack, I wanted to create this sense of belonging to an elite group of bloggers.

So I've decided to limit the members to 51 blogs for now - with a few conditions though.

Being part of the Pack comes with its responsibilities and obligations. The first and foremost is to blog regularly. Ideally a few times a week, at the very least once. And that is a no easy feat, believe me. Real Life often gets in the way - as it should since remember people, this is just a game - and missing a week is not uncommon. But going beyond the 3 week mark puts a Pack member in a situation of potentially being removed from the Pack.

Taking it One Step further
Now, along with the regular blogging and commenting, I want to ask a bit more of the Pack Members. This is what will make the Blog Pack different from my Players Blogroll.

Here's a list of To Dos that all members should strive to accomplish as part of their duties.
  • Blog regularly about EVE Online, a few times a week preferably.
  • Comment on Pack members blogs.
  • Make a post about the EVE Blog Pack (if you haven't done so yet). Make sure to link to it!
  • OPTIONAL: Add other's blog to your Delicious, Reddit, StumbleUpon and/or Technorati accounts.
  • OPTIONAL: Digg posts that you find useful or interesting.
  • When writing a post, try to link to each other posts, bringing the community even closer together.
  • Have a blogroll listing all the Blog Pack members.
Doing all, or some, of these action items will add value to our individual blogs, and will bring the Pack to a whole new level.

Remember, we're each individually responsible for the success of the Blog Pack. It's up to us to decide what we do with it!


Eve SOB said...

This blog reader and iPhone Capsuleer junkie appriciates the pack and any work done to keep it fresh.



Arrhidaeus said...

Ahh, it looks like its time for the semi-annual referring my blog to the blog pack:


Also, before you scrap Yarrbear Tales from the pack, it might be worth noting that your link is out of date, and 00sage00 went back to wordpress:

Hope that helps,

Anonymous said...

I have to say first, that I appreciate what work you do with the blog pack and other link sets as well.

I would like to have my blog, "Diary of a Garbageman" be considered for the EVE Blog Pack, at http://eonjunk.wordpress.com

Thanks for the opportunity and, keep up the great work!

Unknown said...

Depths Unknown: http://z0droo.blogspot.com

Sniper's a rather quirky character who always has something fresh to say. Always brightens my day up with witty posts, almost daily.

Anonymous said...

I have been posting recently on my blog (Yarrbear Tales); you just have an old link. My Lonetrek hosting went down, so I moved back to wordpress: http://00sage00.wordpress.com . I do not think the URL has been updated in Capsuleer either.

Nashh Kadavr said...

Great job on the blog pack CK, may I recommend the following blog again to be added;


beattie282 said...

Hey Hey glad to see EVE HUB is getting considerd :) p.s ive done all the stuff u asked :), get intouch if u wish to do guest post.

Jonzac said...

As a intrepid iPhone user and avid blog pack follower, thank you for maintaining this blog pack. It really is my one stop shopping for quick EVE news.

That said, I'd like to forward my blog, which is already on you player rollcall.


Thanks again for doing this for the EVE community.

Maxwell Muhilo said...

I love reading the blog pack. It has inspired me to write my own blog. I have difficulty keeping up with it because I have next to no one that reads it. But I like to write fictional stories about my eve adventures. Even if you don't add it to the pack. I would love some more hits and comments


Anonymous said...

In my opinion TooNu should be added I enjoy his posts a lot.

Dax Jr. said...

Thanks for answering my question, CK. Guess I'll have to work harder and post more often before I apply.

Unknown said...

Just wanted to add my blog... Scram Web - An Eve Online Blog to the fray. It is already in the blog roll but I think it would make a good addition to your blog pack. It has already got a lot of good information in it from it's short life.

Thanks for all the work you have done.

CrazyKinux said...

Thanks for all your input and suggestions!

KaarBaak said...


Putting my blog into the ring again for consideration. It covers the 3d party application developers and their products. Discussion with CCP Devs about the API. Just an area that seems to lack coverage in a lot of the 'normal' blogs.

Appreciate the consideration.


BSPR said...
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Anonymous said...

I don't think my blog is worthy atm due to being only a few days old but please check it out and watch it grow... It has potential... http://podlogs.com/outofpodexperience

Anonymous said...

Hello I think this Blog is worth being added to the Eve Blog Pack


Eve Scientist said...

My blog is pretty new too, but hopefully will grow over time to be worthy of consideration:

"A Scientist's Life in Eve"

CrazyKinux said...

You can thank Google for helping me find your "A Scientist's Life in Eve" blog! Next time, remember to provide the URL! :p

CrazyKinux said...

Forget that last comment RedMattCat, I'm the idiot here! Doh!

Mr Kha said...

wasn't quite sure where to put this but here goes..


pirate blog with pictures and tutorials.

Memoocan said...

Always loved the blogpack and miss The Drone Bay! As is said above, Ill slip my link in here for your perusal. Enjoy :)


Anonymous said...

I'd like to request consideration for the pack.

Persephone Astrid's YarrJournal

Azmodeus Valar said...

Try mine.. http://AzmodeusValar.blogspot.com

reaper cross said...

Sod it I'm a shameless stat whore


I just want to be loved tis all :)

Ilix E'ka said...

Hi KC, I have an interesting project happening on my blog, my IRL estranged half-bro plays the game and recently robbed me in Eve after getting my trust. We dont talk outside the game but I have devoted a blog to destroying him. I post usually twice a day and am doing alot of research etc to bring something new. Would you consider adding to the Blog Pack? It can be found at

email me at dan_van_beek(at)hotmail.com if you need to.

Fantym said...
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Fantym said...

Hi KC,

I think this concept sounds great and I would like my new blog to be considered for the Blog Pack.

Please feel free to check it out as I plan to be updating it as frequently as possible.


Thanks for consideration,

Shadai said...

I would just like to suggest my blog Sleepless in Space for the Eve Online Blog pack. Please check it out. I post weekly.


Thanks for your consideration!

Seleene said...

I'd like to be a part of this! Please add me on and I won't disappoint. I have plenty of stuff to blog about! ;)

Seleene said...

It might help if I left the address here, huh?


Jae said...

I only started my blog last week, but intend on writting a high quality "in game character only" journal for my Minmatar Militia character. Two extensive stories posted so far (inc "My past"). Would love to be considered, if not now maybe in the future for the Blog Pack. Thanks


Anonymous said...

I probably should have done this ages ago but we, at http://eonmagazine.net, blog daily (during the week) with the latest news and promotions at our HQ.

If you could add us to the list, then that would be great.

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