I mean taking into account the size of the player base, many other MMORPGs "could" have won any if not all of the categories; World of Warcraft comes quickly to mind of course, but there are many others. But that's a bit besides the point. Of the players that took the time to complete the ballots, most chose EVE as the clear winner. It's all a question of opinion!
Having said that, EVE Online IS a great MMORPG and deserved to win most of these categories, if not all, as it did. Graphically, EVE kicks every other MMORPG out there, period. PVE, a tough one, since I haven't had enough time to dedicate to other MMORPGs to judge them properly. PVP wise, 100%, no questions asked. Ever heard of EVE TV and the alliance championships. Story wise, again EVE stands out with an original storyline, some great chronicles and some great community written short stories.
Overall, I can't but agree with the awards EVE got. CCP deserved no less for its amazing achievement. Here here for our Icelandic devs!
I'm looking forward to 2007, the rest of Kali's deployment and another Reader's Choice Award!
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