Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Drone Bay Episode #1 officially out!

EVE Official Forums Link
Virgin Worlds Link

The "first official" episode of our EVE Online podcast is now out - considering that last week's episode was a pilot. This week, we've covered the Fifth Alliance Tournament, Character Creation, Listeners' Mail, EVE's Economy 101 and then we diverge onto other subjects. As usual we appreciate your feedback, both on content and form.

As for speaking skills, I'm still working on eliminating those darn "verbal pauses". A work in progress, for which I appreciate your patience. Working with Alsedrech and Crovan, has proven both a curse (cause I'll get compared) and a blessing (cause they'll help me improve). These guys are top notch, I'm sure you'll agree.

As with every show past and future, we appreciate a little bump on the EVE forums. Both links to our VirginWorlds and EVE Forums are available above.

Fly safe while listening!

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