Virgin Worlds Link
Show notes:
Yes, I Assure You We're an EVE Podcast!
Five points for the movie reference in this episode's title! Yes, HordeCast was a cruel, cruel joke. Some of you got the joke, some didn't. If you didn't, we're sorry for scaring you. It's safe to come back now, the nasty Orcs are gone. We're back and talking about EVE again so...
Bring on the Drones:
In the weekly recap, Al and Crovan giggle at their own hilarious with regarding the April Fool's episode, and share the woes of everyone's limited playtime. CK shares a great resource for the upcoming CSM elections.
The DON'T PANIC topic for this week is mining. Crovan is allergic to Veldspar, so CK steps up as the mining sensei.
In the listener feedback section, a question is answered, the guys answer one piece of criticism, and Al and Crovan once again giggle about last week's show. Al is sorry. Crovan is not.
This week's out of game discussion is about...another MMO that Crovan refuses to name in the show notes for fear of mail bombs.
Keep sending us your mail! We love it! We need it! Stroke our egos! Flame us! We don't care, just send us more mail, or I'll put more exclamation points in next week's show notes!!!!
This week's music bed is "Forever Lost" by AlienHand. Go to the link to check out his other great stuff!
The guys had a pretty tight recording this week, so no blooper reel. Instead, please enjoy a really funny machinima version of re: Your Brains by Jonathan Coulton.
Contact Info:
GAX Online Group: The Drone Bay
dronebay[at]gmail.com (comments/questions for everyone)
Skype: Dronebay
Bitter Old Noob (Crovan)
CrazyKinux's Musing
The Littlest Drone (Alsedrech)
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