Tuesday, April 01, 2008

The Drone Bay: Episode 5 - The April Fool's episode!

[Though this is being posted way after this episode came out, I still want to be able to keep track of them chronologically. In the future I'll be posting as they get released! Promised.]

Virgin Worlds Link

Show notes:

Episode 5 (Or perhaps the new Episode 1 is more appropriate): Format Changes

We're a bit short on show notes this week. Suffice to say that there are big changes coming for The Drone Bay, and we hope you'll stick it out with us. CK was unable to join us, but Al and I soldiered on without him again. Look to see him back next week as we continue with our new format.

Until next time, lvl 22 war LFG for SFK. As always, you can e-mail us at dronebay[at]gmail.com.

The new format may require a new e-mail address, so be on the lookout for that.

[Wink Wink!!!]

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