Monday, April 28, 2008

The Drone Bay: Episode 8 - I smell BACON!

Virgin Worlds Link
EVE Forum Link (please bump!)

Show notes:

Episode 8: I smell BACON! Episode 8 is here, and it's time to fry up some eggs, because BACON's on the plate!

Bring on the Drones:

In the weekly recap, the big news is the Re-Release of BACON.

The DON'T PANIC topic for this week is the interface. Learn to set up your overview, and also don't miss Crovan and CK's number one interface tip for surviving in 0.0/lowsec!

Mail gets answered, as usual. Keep sending us questions/comments! Also, please review us on iTunes. We're in the "New and Notable" section under Games and Hobbies already. Thanks for the support so far! Also, if you have an idea for a mini-segment (2 minutes or under), then record it as an MP3 and send it to one of the e-mail addresses below. We'd love to get some good listener content!

No bloopers, but a fitting out track.

Contact Info:

GAX Online Group: The Drone Bay

dronebay[at] (comments/questions for everyone)

Skype: Dronebay

Bitter Old Noob (Crovan)
CrazyKinux's Musing
The Littlest Drone (Alsedrech)

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