Friday, November 21, 2008

Win some EVE Fanfest 2008 Memorabilia!

Always wanting to share my EVE Fanfest 2008 experience with you my beloved readers, I decided to give you the chance to win some Fanfest 2008 memorabilia I brought back from Iceland. I've got 3 prizes to give away.

1st Prize:

EVE Fanfest 2008 T-shirt (Size L) and a wireless laptop mouse.

2nd Prize:

EVE Fanfest 2008 Schedule, 8 EON Magazine coasters, 2 postcards and an EVE magnetic pin.

3rd Prize:

EVE Fanfest 2008 Schedule, 8 EON Magazine coasters and 2 postcards.

So, how do you get to win one of these packages? By doing a bunch of things that will give you points, which I'll then tally. Here's the list and the points you get.
Make sure you make a comment on this post to let me know you want to participate and add your relevant links. Otherwise I won't know to look for you and won't tally your points either.

The Contest lasts until Friday November 28th, 2008. I'll then tally all the points and announce the winners on December 12th, 2008. This should give me time to ship all 3 prizes in time for Christmas.

Good luck to all!


Bahamut said...

Expect a review!

Anonymous said...

Following on blogger..CHECK
Added to favorites in BlogCatalog...CHECK
Joined your community on MyBlogLog...CHECK
Already in my Blogroll..CHECK
Write an article....I'll work on that :)

Unknown said...

Well I got the commenting. Guess I will have to work on the others!

Anonymous said...

Nice initiative, but I'll have to pass.

"L"? What the hell? You think I'm a dwarf? (sorry, little person) I'm a nerd and a geek, and if there's any stereotypical traits, then by god, overweight is one of them.

CrazyKinux said...

Just so you know Shaun, I'm 1,95m (6'4") and 104kg (230lbs), yet I'm keeping one T-shirt for myself. They're a bit bigger than the regular Large I'm used to. Then again, XL is more my size!

Serious Sally said...

Check! Make a relevant comment on any of my posts, as many as you want

Check! Follow me on Blogger (for Gmail users only)

Check! Add me to your Favorites on BlogCatalog

Check! Join my community on MyBlogLog

Check! Favorite this blog on Technorati

Check! Added blogroll

1/2 Check! Write an article or review (will be released on ENN later tonight)

Anonymous said...

* Commment - done
* Blogger - done, but normally i'm following you via and all the others via Google Reader.
* Blogcatalog - i would if i had an account
* MyBlogRoll - i would if i had an account
* Technorati - i would if i had an account
* Blogroll - done, i hope Featured Sites is okay ->
* Twitter - done, i'm following you for longer time
* Review - Cheating :-P

CrazyKinux said...

Nicely done folks!

Anonymous said...

Check - Make a relevant comment
Check - Follow me on Blogger
Check - Add me to BlogCatalog
Check - Add me to your blogroll
Check - Review of

Done mostly for the challenge and the community. Give my points to Wollari or Manasi [which ever has the least]

Jaggins said...

CrazyKinux, you inspired me with your blog networking proficiency! When I was signing up for a Technorati account, I found an easy way to add all the EVE Bloggers to Technorati favorites and created a guide to adding EVE Bloggers to Technorati at my blog.

I think if the EVE bloggers and blog readers check this out, we can seriously kick up the Technorati influence!

CosmoChick said...

Great way to further promote readership! I may steal a few ideas from you ;-)


CrazyKinux said...

@CosmoChick - Plagiarize all you want! It's what I call a win-win situation. I win readers, subscribers and linkage, and 3 lucky individuals get to win some neat stuff.

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