Saturday, May 02, 2009

The EVE Blogosphere is alive and well, thank you very much!

I hadn't updated my EVE Blogroll since early last February. During this time, a multitude of new EVE-themed blogs popped-up. The list below includes the ones that either emailed me directly, or posted a comment on the blogroll post itself. I do know that there a few that are missing from the list that Ga'len keeps and I promise to add them over the next few days. It's good to be back at the helm of the EVE Blogging Community. I missed the camaradrie very much over the last few months. But am now fully back!
If your blog isn't listed on the EVE Blogroll, or you know of an active blog that isn't, please leave title and url in the comments below and I'll make sure to add it. Thanks for being my eyes!


EVE Agent said...

Hey I posted my blog on an older post, but just noticed this new call for blogs. Hope you don't mind the double post, or including my blog in your list. I know it's not a popular topic, but it is an interesting and, I think, a VERY misunderstood one.

Hope to see you around

Lake said...

Would it be much trouble to tag which blogs are new since the last update?

Drillock said...

Should leave my relatively new blog up.

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