With the recent demise of the GameScribe platform and the few hundreds or so blogs that had been specifically created for the contest, the EVE Blogroll lost a few hundred blogs or so. Which was very predictable when you understand the time, dedication and effort it takes to keep a blog going.
Despite this inevitable loss, I'm happy to report that since then, I've received 50 [make that 51 with Finders & Keepers"] new blog submissions through comments and emails. Here below are all the new blogs that will soon be added to the EVE Blogroll. Though some of these blogs are now a bit outdated, I'm still posting them here so that this may excite their authors into more posts! You've all been teased!
- .5 or Higher!
- A "CareBears" Journey
- A Rock In A Cold Place
- A Sorta-Carebear
- Achernar: eve
- Amieta's Journal
- Autopilot Disabled
- Bael’s Blog
- Blood-Thirsty Miner
- Cle Demaari: Citizen
- Corp of None
- Corrupted Datacore
- EVE Talk
- Eveconomics
- Facepalm's Ramblings
- Finders & Keepers
- Friends of EVE
- Friends of Sharuveil
- Geddonz gamer
- Hardwirings and all that
- I Love Sansha
- Internet Spreadsheets Naptime Online - EVE Online
- Into the unknown with gun and camera
- Jumping through wormhole
- Letters from Eve
- Life among Pirates - The Romance and the Reality
- Living A Lie
- Logs of a Brutor
- Make way for the fail train
- mikeazariah
- Missions Collide
- Munich Mataris
- My EVE Online Life
- My Life in EVE
- Nashh Kadavrs EVE Blog
- Nukes Thoughts
- Pirating By The Numbers
- Pods and Pills
- Rettic's Log: The Chronofile
- Screamer - A Pirate's blog, from the beginning.
- SFM Hobb3s Eve Explorations
- Silver Night's Fiction
- Smokes Black Aces
- Sooner or Later
- Strep’s Throat Noise
- The Captains (B)log
- The Captains Log
- The inside of nowhere
- Thoughts - TFG
- Yo Ho! A Pirate's Life For Me!
Welcome to you all! Safe travels and happy blogging!
I can see my blog from here!! :o
I exist! I'm excited :P
Check out Pods and Pills if you have time on your hands!
yay. If you have time, come read the "CareBears" Journey. Thanks CrazyKinux for posting this. I now have 2 straight weeks off, so no excuses for not adding to mine.
thanks for listing my blog, make way for the fail train, im trying to up my posts and make them intresting
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