Friday, July 16, 2010

A little Voodoo Doll with that PvP? [Contest]

I was recently contacted by @String_Doll, who is one of the current sponsors of Hulkageddon III and the talent behind the particularly original, you'll have guessed, He was looking for some promotional opportunity and I thought, well, why not have a little contest and let you the reader get a chance to win one of those little cute voodoo doll, and at the same time help out a Internet entrepreneur!

This little contest will be quite simple. Your mission, if you accept, is to tell us "what's your favourite String Voodoo Doll and why?" Do so in the comments below and Ed (@String_Doll) will pick one winner and send them a doll of his choice. The runner-up would get a 10% discount code to purchase a doll. The contest is open from now until Friday, July 23rd (11:59:59) EDT.

The dolls seen above are just some of the example of the dolls you can pick as your favorite. Feel free to explore some more on his site

Good luck!


Chelsea Greenwald said...

My favorite is the carebear. After all, I am a PvPer, and it is a voodoo doll... Who couldn't possibly love stabbing a carebear during those long, dull times you can't log on and shoot them up?!

CrazyKinux said...

Hey SN1P3R001, can you provide your email in a comment and let me know. We can delete it once I've got it!

Cheers and congrats on winning!


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