Saturday, April 22, 2006

An amazing Caldari Titan video

Found this great short video today of a Caldari Titan being attacked. The video was posted by konkenkensuke but that's all I know. I'd really love to get some detail background on it! If I ever get any additional details, I'll post them. For now, enjoy this clip.


Anonymous said...

Why does it twitch about so? Looks so wrong that way.

CrazyKinux said...

What do you mean?

Anegale said...

I think he means the ship it self... it seems to 'twitch' as it's hit.. it does look odd; nice find though.. :)


CrazyKinux said...

Gave it another look and have to say your're right. It doesn't look to titanesque if it's gets shoved around by itsy rockets or other shells.

Anonymous said...

there is an older video of titans on the test server just before they went live and indeed they also twitch about. if I find the link Ill forget to post it :D

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